
So if taking offense is completely beyond our control, how do you explain the people in our population who never get offended? There's a whole population of comedians and writers and artists who never feel offense in the same way as so many people these days seem to. What do you put that to?

They aren't "almost entirely drawn" that way, and the idealization of the male figure could certainly create an equal offense if men were so inclined.


People do control their anger, and people do control their happiness by making choices, unless there's an aberration like depression.

I don't mean in the context of love, I'm speaking in the context of taking offense.

But we're not talking about a racist piece of art, we're talking about one that's been perceived as erotic, so a better comparison would be L'Origine_du_monde or something of that nature.

Except they're not "traced from porn".

Yeah, you choose how you feel, you choose how you react to things. That's a fact.

When has complaining about a picture ever looked good in the rear view mirror of history?

I take your point, though in my defense, I'm not taking offense at someone's artistic offering. I'm not taking offense at all, I'm saying that those taking offense at art seem hyper conservative, like the lefts answer to the christian right.

So you're denigrating an art form while you're asking it to cater to your sensibilities.

Feeling marginalized is a choice, we choose how we feel and how we respond to a stimuli. I could very easily feel marginalized in this discussion for having my opinion misrepresented and misunderstood, but I make different choices.

Well I'm sorry you can't find better things to complain about than a picture, my condolences.

That's not the defense, the point is you're singling out one gender when idealization in illustration occurs to both genders.

Or, we shouldn't take offense at all, there are better means to get an identity and greater ways to change our world.

Men as well, it is not just women. And it's an issue now because of a culture of taking offense for no good reason.

And the source is that nobody who reads comics is complaining, you go onto comic discussion forums or into comic book stores and this is a non issue. In those forums people are holding up examples of why this is so silly.

I'm not saying it's shitty. I'm saying it's a convention of the art form.

He's not the first to compare the current incredibly easy to offend culture to Islam. Many other people are doing the same because this seeming desire to be offended is getting as absurd as what we criticize in other cultures.

Why do you think people who have had such success in the industry would have such silly ideas? Do you really think they're that stupid? Really?