
It is in-essential, but good swashbuckling fun. Capaldi makes a good scheming cardinal. It's really a perfect summer show, made for watching on a weekend night after you've been out doing stuff all day.

Maybe use them for the Thunderstrike spin-off in 2031.

You know, given how gloomy Norse mythology can be, I could totally see Asgardians being freaked out by clowns.

You know there's an option for "replies only" as a notification setting, right?

It's interesting, I think when they conceived the idea of a tie-in television show they sort of underestimated how tied-in it would actually need to be to maintain interest. I wonder if they'll hit a point where it's not even just the expense of the show, but that they've reached a limit of material from the comics

Off-topic, but inspired by your comment: Why did restaurants draw the line at shirts and shoes as a requirement for service, but didn't bother to make an explicit requirement for pants?

Woo The Musketeers!!!

please tell me that the nuns made these delicious tamales.

Yea, i's just this outdated notion that made sense in the face of crushing poverty, but now probably just serves to ingrain awful eating habits that lead to overweight kids.
Basically, Michelle Obama needs to go after Catholic school nuns.

It almost makes sense if you use it as reason to not take more food than you're hungry for, but even then the logic falls apart pretty quickly.

I open the door for everybody, because I was raised in the Midwest and had it ingrained that not opening the door for people makes you a bad person. You could be an able-bodied dude in your early 20's and if my peripheral vision catches you walking behind me, you're getting a door held open.

Loud Voice Guy is the worst.

Incredible Hulk, kind of crappy rest of the movie notwithstanding, is the best I've seen a superhero reboot handle the origin story. Any future reboots should really just do a Watchmen-esque montage at the beginning and leave it at that.

maybe it's not that far from the real world after all…

Have you ever tried to perpetuate a toxic, misogynistic philosophy? It is so damn hard to keep your awful messages consistent. Cut them some slack.

It was buried under wrinkles and Dorito dust.

Which means it's time to once again ask, How the FUCK is Cutter still in this competition?

I called X-men vs. Jedi the second Disney bought up the rights.

I would actually be really interested in that pre-A New Hope Leia comic. Hopefully that's the real plan because that sounds awesome.

Surely somebody is working on that app.