
Similar to most people's relationship with world events in the real world, I assume most of the DC civilian population doesn't give a shit as long as the super-villain attacks aren't happening in their little bubble.

I just went back and read everything because it was already a slow day at work. It was pretty good!

That downright makes sense. Get that sense-making out of here.

Yea, I'll be pretty bummed if this gets the same one season treatment Best Friends Forever got. You'd hope that USA would be more patient than NBC. I need more Bird Bones and Bosephus in my life.

Pretty sure I brought up that idea in one of the last DS9 comments (*sigh*). Did that come after it? Did we inspire a baseless Trek rumor?

Rams teammates, unless he already got traded/cut from St. Louis and I missed that.

Dave Foley needs the money anyway

I have Maus at home but haven't cracked it yet. I suppose should get on that.

You think the Hecks can afford smart phones?

You can't just throw out "werewolf cancer" without further explanation.

I burned through that show in like two weeks on Netflix. A majority of my comics intake as a kid was the remnants of my dad's old silver age marvel collection and whatever I could beg my parents for when they made constant stops at antique stores. That show was a big ol' helping of inner child goodness.

As someone whose had two single babies in the last three years I found Ben's freakout hilariously spot on. This episode should get an A just for true that rang.

We've settled in on a Seasame Street, Peg+Cat,, and Curious George rotation that is pretty pleasant, all things considered.

Repeatedly watching one episode of Mickey Mouse clubhouse sounds like a special kind of hell. My joy in life these days is finding tolerable kids shows that my son takes a shine to.

I'm pro-marriage equality, but that whole photographer case, at least as I understood it, seemed really misguided. Shouldn't somebody running their own business be able to deny clients if they so choose? I'm sure it's a siippery slope, but still.

It's been almost a decade. He's a talented guy, but to keep up that level of in-character performance has to be exhausting. How much longer does he keep it up regardless of the Late Show opening?

It makes me infinitely happy that there are people in this world that know that.

Yea, I understand why the feel the movies needed to go in the "Spock 'n' Splosions" route, but a limited run series would really let them do some longer stories that actually felt Star Trek-y.

And I suppose it totally kills my idea because creating a new exclusively on-line show would probably be murky territory that no one had in mind when they decided who had rights to what.

But your parodies of grown-up TV are so good when I watch with my kid!