
It's a little better now?

Isn't like season 2 or 3 of TNG the beginnings of the Klingon stuff? And really it's the perfect capper for Worf's personal arc as well. He knows where he really belongs.

Yea, if anything they should have brought in more random villain species as Dominion allies. Where was my episode where Bashir and O'Brien are under siege by Gorn infantry, dammit!!

I have to think Netflix would be willing to pay them a substantial amount of money to get those as exclusive content. Clearly CBS/Paramount have no interest in using Trek as a television property and there's already some sort of relationship because they have streaming rights to the existing shows. I doubt it would

Good call.

I had either missed the first time or else completely forgotten the whole Martok/Gowron thing and I had the same reaction when I did my rewatch. It is awesome.

Why can't we get a solid 13-episode Star Trek mini-series on Netflix every year? Is there any reason that wouldn't work?

And you don't have to start committing resources to actually occupying Earth.

"Released from the Fire Caves" would be a great name for the debut RJS album.

Indeed they do. Of the top 5 secretly awesome parts of being unemployed last year binge-watching DS9 was #3 behind spending extra time with my son and losing 30 pounds.

You have to have Kira be the one to aid Damar to really drive home the Cardassians being given a taste of their own medicine. They are the Bajorans now.

Maybe it was meant to be more of a psychological blow to Starfleet than an actual all out attack.

I wasn't around yet for the classic Sagan version, but you're missing out. The new one has been very enjoyable.

Where do you think MacFarlane stands karma-wise at this point? To the good I'll give him nuCosmos, American Dad, and hell I'll even generously give him first 3 seasons of Family Guy. Are we approaching him balancing out the crap at all?

In the unlikely event that someone asked me to reboot Star Wars, I'm totally basing my Lando on Damar's character arc.

I didn't think it was THAT bad of an episode, but I'm glad he was on PB and not somebody like the Sklars who would have indulged him the entire episode.

I never said he couldn't kick a little ass too. You just save that for the finale of your first big story-arc.
Really, I was just tickled at the idea of superhero Jesus leading a band of 12 knock-off X-men.

Christ would be tough to write as a superhero because he's such a pacifist figure. He'd almost have to be a Professor X-type leader/mentor character in a team comic. Would your pick up Christ and The Apostles #1?

Kind of bleak for the majority of their population that don't get symbionts

And now they will be wacky Revolutionary War spy schemes! What part of that is not awesome?