
Seriously, why hasn't this always been the popular take on Cap's character?

Like every other episode of House Hunters, they'll say they want a house with character when they really want is the same house they already have, but bigger. Also, they will pass on the house that seems the best because one of them gets hung up on something stupid that you could easily change.
Also, has anyone

Older people in longer established careers have more money?! What?!

So what's happening to the current Disney Junior which I already get?

I enjoy the BS Report/Grantland/Simmons in general most of the time, but I would enjoy him a lot more if he dialed down the 80's/porn referencing and vaguely sexist part of his schtick even 10%.

Real fans go for the deep cut! (also, I was thankfully in college and not really following the team for the bulk of the Kahn years.

I do too. I still choke up a bit at the end.

I'm sad that Huntsberger's drug-tripping Dick Vitale has run out of steam. The first time he busted that out I was rolling on the floor, but now the joke has worn out.

I just tried it out this afternoon. It was pretty good, adding it to the rotation.

For some reason the vent cam really felt like a throwback to the late 90's/early 00's shows when I started watching, which really worked for me.

I had totally forgotten about shipmates and now I'll promptly do so again.

Night of the Living Dead is so great. I feel like we could have stopped there and been good with zombies.

They got married last night. MNCyGal actually cried, but she is a big fan and pregnant so she got a pass.

Well yea, it ended racism.

Says the guy making abortion jokes about people who don't like his favorite podcasts.

The Mentalist is the one where he solves crimes by…thinking about it? That can't possibly be right.

Oh Vikings. I'll love you forever, but now that you've got your stadium financed, maybe you should just fold, trade AP to a good team for some assets, and start rebuilding again.

Would you be interested in financing my graphic novel Ice Caps about feuding groups of east and west arctic polar bear gangstas?

No mention of the emancipation of Bruce Jenner on Sklarbro Country? The rest of it may have been a ho-hum episode, but I thought the closing segment was pretty great for long-time fans.

I almost wonder if treating the print comics purely as a content farm for the movie and tv studios wouldn't lead to better comics. Just write off the idea of ever making a significant profit from print division. Stop worrying about having a comic on the shelf that reflects the current movies. Stop worrying about