
Alright, we've figured out time travel back to at least 2000! We got a lot of things to set right people!

oh, should have scrolled down before commenting.

Yea, but they were almost all pretty great lines.

It's a bit of a rough listen, not necessarily because of anything the interviewees said (most clearly sounded like they were watching their words carefully) but because of how clearly unmovable they all were from their positions.

I felt like the Pod Save America guys were tip-toeing, specifically because they'd already booked Pelosi for the show.

Not to get too echo-chambery in here, but the Friends Like These that dropped last week of in-person interviews with Trump supporters at his Cedar Rapids rally was…an experience.

I still think Petals to the Metal is my favorite, but I should really go back and do a re-listen. The first 3 or 4 arcs were mostly done when I started and I pretty much binge-listened them all straight. I really think that makes for a more engaging listen than getting one piece every couple weeks, so I think my

The reaction to that Final Yahoo was so pure, I kind of think actually doing bits on it would have ruined it.

Oh god, that fucking Netflix bong.

This is going to cause some real division in Iowa's sketchy looking assholes community.

Speaking of Roman Mars, I thought the start of his "What Can Trump Teach Us About Constitutional Law?" podcast was very interesting. Not sure if I'll stick with it (I dropped the similar-mission-statement 'Civics 101') but it was a good start.

I'm sure the brothers' descent into complete dad-hood is a turnoff to some, but everything TV volume related in that episode was SPOT. ON.

Mummy Returns is frustratingly terrible because the formula for superior and more sustainable sequels to The Mummy seems so obvious. Instead of bad and blatant re-hash of the first movie + annoying kids, why didn't they just keep bringing back the Fraser/Weisz/Hannah trio for a series of adventures against the rest

Kind of, but Parnell is somebody you could easily bring back later in a totally different part if you wanted. Whose going to complain about Chris Parnell playing multiple weird side characters.

I'm kind of hoping Duke makes a return next season, just because Josh Charles playing an unhinged, revenge-seeking rich douche would be one of the few improvements you could make on Josh Charles playing a regular rich douche.

I love that The McElroy Brothers Will Be In Trolls 2 is still absurdly high in the podcast charts.

The book is squirrels, smartass!

And it was different when you didn't have a steady stream of movies and cartoons every year. Fleshing out every last side character was how you got new material. And in that context, it makes a lot more sense how 'cool armor guy' caught on.

I must have been about 5-6 and we were moving to a new house so I got dropped off at my grandparent's for a few days so I was out of the way while they finished packing and moving. My Grandma loved movies and one of the highlights of visiting her house was always perusing her massive collection of VHS. Before they

Yea, binge-watching was fine before I had two kids running around the house. Now I'm trying to watch this and I still haven't finished Master of None and I never even started Iron Fist, I just can't keep up.