
Just baked it and then tossed with some oil, garlic, herbs, salt, and pepper. Pretty simple.

I think it's fine for most regular articles, but stuff like TI or the ST:DS9 reviews that generate more free-wheeling discussion is going to be a mess.

Would it be worth it to try and find some sort of free message board service and migrate things over there?

Just had spaghetti squash last night, it was delicious.

If it's going to be British and we're never going to get Ripper anyway, can Anthony Head grow a good mustache?

I really like that song, but Target is going to ruin it for me within a month.

Or you'd end up with a Dr. Strange show that looked like Charmed or something.

I thought the 2nd episode was pretty bland, missed the 3rd in a toddler-messing-with-DVR-buttons incident, and thought the 4th was a noticeable step up but still a bit rough around the edges. It's got potential, but it's still trying to prove it will capitalize on it.

5 Series?! I thought SHIELD was a smart idea, but how many other characters can you do on a TV budget, that aren't owned by another studio, that aren't earmarked for use in another movie, and aren't SHIELD: Miami (honestly Agent Carter already sounds close to that)? Daredevil? Heroes for Hire? Damage Control? Are

Yea, but wouldn't you already assume from that context that he's talking about a black woman? It comes off less as "The best person available is a black women" and more "We need to bring in a black women and she's the best we could do"

Were any of them called Walking Taller or Running Tall?

Cedar Rapids?

Maybe I'm just white and out-of-touch, but Pharoah really shot himself and his cause in the foot with his "because she's black first of all" comment.

That's how you keep your fanbase motivated to show up at conventions, buy tickets to all your movies, and make sure you damn well stay a dominant force on the cultural scene. (see also: religious conservatives)

I love it so much when Hodgman gets sidetracked by some minor detail that has nothing to do with the actual case.

Yea, I'm still a big band geek at heart though, so I'm pretty ok with that.

Yea, the old format was definitely easier on the eyes.

I think its fair if you work from the assumption that there are three types of listeners for every podcast (or TV show). The ones that follow the show and listen to every episode, people looking to sample a new show, and people who download individual episodes based on guest/topic. These types of review comments are

Eh, I favor Disney over Nick but they are from immune from stuff like "Hey look at this new ambulance Doc MacStuffins has! Wouldn't it be crazy if this was also a toy your parents could buy you!"

Good point with regards to commercials/merchandising. I do still think there are pay channel shows that could slot into PBS kids without issue and vice versa.