
Can someone now please give poor Dakota Johnson something better to busy with as well?

I think the problem with your Disney Jr's  on cable isn't that they're devoid of good material.  I'll defend Octonauts to the death and something like Little Einsteins has its merits.  The problem is that because they run children's programming all day the good stuff inevitably ends up sandwiched between endless

TV for real little kids really is dire.  I can not stand the whole "point to things on your TV screen" genre that is aimed at children my son's age.  I'll have to keep on eye out for this though.

That's every actor's excuse for doing terrible kid-friendly projects.  Their kids can wait until their adults to care where dad's money comes from like the rest of us.

Maybe a little homo?

It's so true though.  I defy anybody who works in a numbers-y profession like accounting or engineering to deny it.

I wonder how well that leotard look will translate to non-gymnast bodies.  I swam all through high school and saw many an attractive girl whose body wasn't done any favors by one-piece swimsuits.  I have to think leotards would be similar.

Transparent attempt to weed out our worst celebrities?

This seems like it would have been a much better idea than the original Once Upon a Time, honestly.

$10 on it being a Country Inn & Suites.

Better healthcare?  Even humans in the TNG-era are pretty long-lived seeing as McCoy stuck around long enough to see the Enterprise-D.

Is it possible to not do that?

I loved the "I'll bet it is" response to Frogs.

My last three years of college I lived with friends to (mostly) good results,  In hindsight, however, I think I may have been the crappy roommate my freshman year.  I was in the marching band all through college so I was at practice basically that whole first week when everyone else on the floor became best buddies.  

Hutchinson, MN born and raised.  Moved to Iowa for college and then just sort of stuck around.

@avclub-93bf0903fd207bdfd856ede8e84f7d1f:disqus No doubt.  I have to roll my eyes at most of the people who tried to talk me into breaking up when we went to different colleges.  I look on Facebook and they're either single or married to people they met in college that treated them like trash.

Yea, I mean I'm young so I'm assuming it will get better (although also had kids on the early side, so probably not) but I'm struggling to figure out how we can afford a 2nd vehicle we kind of need and shit like that, while not living a particularly extravagant lifestyle.

Wishful thinking on account of my alma mater having no better options if it wants to continue playing high level D-1 football.

Maybe in a furlough situation its different, but don't you have to actively seek new employment to collect unemployment?  I'm assuming you don't have any interest in actually changing jobs.

Oh, now I feel stupid.