
And crazily they claim to be owed MORE than that!

Actually Latinos must find those jerseys ridiculously pandering right?  They're awful.

So either I totally misunderstand the meaning of titular or the actual Little House on the Prairie was a character on the show capable of encountering rapists?

Myself and my two best friends from college all ended up married to our first girlfriends.  It's like this awesome little club that everyone else thinks is super weird.

I Know I Should Definitely Be More Grateful For What I Have, But Fuck, Why Don't I Have More Money Than This Thread

Is your state DNR trying to pass some new restrictions?

Oh, it has many uses. I also wish I had it whenever I drive behind someone who doesn't realize their turn signal is on.

I keep a select few just because I still have a car with a 6-CD changer.  They are gone as soon as I ever upgrade vehicles to something newer with an iPod or phone hook-up.

Watched it this morning.  I didn't expect her to be so charming on top of her incredible story.

About a third of the way into A Tale of Two Cities.  Just haven't had a lot of free reading time lately.

Sort of related: For years I've had this dream of having a digital ribbon at the top of my front windshield that could relay messages to the driver in front of me so I could respond to their stupid bumper stickers.  I'm convinced this is a great terrible idea.

I'd say Stranger Than Fiction, but my only criticism of that movie is that I think it actually botches the landing a little.

@avclub-f41c98ac606e9b29fce2d59f71df434d:disqus Eh, I'm pretty much done being upset (unless Mike Davis starts spewing more garbage, screw that guy).  It happened, everyone knows it happened, and Rhoads has pretty much squeezed every ounce of good press he could out of the whole thing.  Time to move on and win some

Met in high school marching band and promptly spent the next three years ignoring each other in favor of pursuing people who had no interest in us.  Finally started dating our senior year.  Went to separate colleges for two years and seemed constantly on the verge of breaking up due to the loneliness of that

Buying a house was stressful as shit.  If we ever end up with more kids than this one has bedrooms they'll just have to share, even if we can afford a bigger place.  Not doing that shit again.

I honestly think Iowa State is due to unleash some fury in Lubbock and grab our annual inexplicable upset of a ranked team next weekend, so hopefully that would tamp down an Red Raider trash talk from your friend.

Does finding somewhere to donate plasma for extra Christmas shopping money count as a project?

I owe an apology to A&M and Nebraska fans.  You were right all along.  The Big 12 is a corrupt institution and UT-Austin should be burned to the ground.

Stern has seemed intent on burning up any goodwill he ever had before he retires, but considering what a shit show the NBA apparently was prior to his arrival he'll probably get a bit of a pass historically.

It is a bit strange, but I'm a sucker for non-traditional team names like that or Golden State.  The only thing I don't particularly care for are non-plural mascots like Heat (except Jazz, that one is OK).