
Sarah is always mired in a horrendous and pointless storyline.  You can't really hold that against any particular stretch of episodes.  At least she wasn't writing a play.

Breaking Bad is set in 2008, it's cool.

I saw that and went "Ooo, This Old House!".  I turned into my dad so slowly I didn't even notice.

Well if my college roommate is to be believe its mostly just that its really tough to get chemistry jobs.  Of course instead of just giving up and going into business he decided to move to Scotland for two years and get trained as a brewmaster, so I guess that worked out for him.

Do they still make those fake cardboard TV's for furniture stores?

Where would you start with Faulkner?

I really want it to be 74 minutes of him driving to Albuquerque and then he shoots himself with the shotgun.

I need to start working out again.  I've been cranky as shit lately and I think not getting enough physical activity is a big part of it.

From urban dictionary:

I really need Iowa State to not look lousy tomorrow night so I can stop counting losses left until basketball season.  Right now I'm left cheering only for chaos and schadenfreude.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus I know it is, I just have a thing about reading books where I already know what will happen.  I can't enjoy going back to read something I half-read or saw a faithful movie interpretation.

I had the exact same experience with Great Expectations in grade 12.  It makes me sad, because I still know the plot well enough that I'll never be able to make myself go back and appreciatively read it.

Falling on my ass getting out of bed this morning because my leg was still asleep.

Poems don't kill terrorists

Maybe it's a sex thing and you don't have to feel so bad?

Have to think of it like an SNL cast change.  Not all the new people will stick, some of them are going to grow on you, and the old guard probably produced more misses than you remember.

Holy crap!  That's right up there with my friends college roommate who had long involved conversations with the guy who lived in their closet and keyed the digital clock on his microwave because it was spying on him.

Please find a way to format this, I would actually like to read it.

Baked wontons with cream cheese and jelly inside.

Are you really an idiot for recognizing that its too expensive to get formally educated in anything that won't get you paid?  That's a broken system, not broken people.