
And now Der Kommissar will be stuck in my head all day.

We really need to get curtains for our bedroom.  We moved in April and have just had old sheets hanging over the rods the previous owners left.  I feel like I'm sleeping in Jesse Pinkman's bedroom.

ooo, that sounds good.

Usually it's at the beginning of the month isn't it?  I still feel like I'm at the very beginning of A Tale of Two Cities because I haven't had a ton of reading time this week.  However, it looks nice outside today, so I might go eat my lunch under my reading tree since I finally have a day without a lunch meeting.

Also, my wife made jalapeno jelly wontons last weekend and they were fucking amazing.

I really want to make butternut squash soup this weekend, but can't really think of a good autumn-y main course to pair with it.  Suggestions?

I doubt that I'm actually clinically depressed, but for the past few weeks I have woken up feeling shitty and just gotten progressively shittier feeling throughout the day.

It's Whedon, so you have to figure that killing of some main cast early on is at least on the table.

Somewhere there is a bartender named Linus whose life was ruined last night.

Yea, that sounds about right.

Call me crazy, but I liked Man of Steel, that logic makes sense to me, and killing Zod was way down the list of complaints I did have.

The train doesn't run on weekends and she doesn't drive?  They're a very thorough band that wanted to rehearse in the space ahead of the wedding?  Her mom leaves in Farhampton and she thought she'd visit for a day before heading over?  She had the days free and thought she'd have a nice little relaxing weekend before

True, although her outfit last night had a disappointing lack of insane cleavage.  Someone ruined the fun and informed her that her boobs had become a punchline :(.

I wasn't, but he definitely was definitely a boob when I saw him live, so I guess it works.

What's the actual crossover percentage of potential Hostages audience and people aware that anything is happening in Kenya?

Is Blake trying to grab some boob?

After I read that, I want Marshall's whole season to be John Candy allusions.  Marshall cooks a giant pancake.  Marshall coaches a bobsled team. Etc., etc.

Can we take a moment to appreciate how great of a cookie name "sumbitches" is?  It's perfect!

Does this mean they can make their own non-sensical special effects orgies and we can start making decent movies again?

This one of those sentences that makes you go, "I love superhero comics, but…"