
That sounds amazing, but I don't think anyone could have sold another Trek series crossover movie after the cluster that Generations turned out to be.

I will say this, I think DS9 is the only Trek that the Dominion War would have worked on.  It had strengths that the Dominion arc played to that weren't present on any of the other series.  And likewise, if you look at DS9's attempts to do TNG-style stories, they don't work quite as well. 

That story was weirdly specific though.

@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus I'm no civil war historian, but didn't the south have their own song that was basically the exact same melody with different lyrics?

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus If you're not annoyingly nitpicking details, you're not discussing Star Trek right.

They're in the middle of a war.  I think everyone would understand if the flagship could only send over two senior officers.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus SPOILERS

Which Enterprise crew member was Worf's friend?

The other smart thing DS9 did, maybe unintentionally, was provide good reasons for promotable characters needing to ultimately stay at DS9.  Sisko is too important to relations with Bajor to ever leave that post.  Kira is Bajoran militia and already holds one of their most important jobs.  Etc., etc.

And yet (spoilers?) he remains fond of Minsk and recommends it to transferring co-workers.

Now calculate how dead he would actually be after the Siberian training montage in IV!

Holy shit, that was an awesome year for movies.

The only one of the sequels that's even close to being in the vein of the original is Rocky V, which is why it's weird it became so maligned.

Rocky V is not as bad as you remember!  Give it a chance!

I wanted to work somewhere that was more serious about [Insert whatever their corporate website brags about here].

No love for "The Frasier Crane Show Theme" feat. Niles Crane?

I had to squint pretty hard just to picture him as an assistant NBA coach.  Middle manager Rasheed Wallace would be mind-blowing.

MNCyGal gets hangry all the time, so you're not alone on that one.

Yea, the only problem I have is that I've yet to find a very intuitive way to search through it.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus Sure, but I think it pretty easily becomes a crutch as well.  I think social interaction is an itch that the internet can't completely scratch, but so many people try to the detriment of real social skills (myself definitely included on occasion).