
Yea, high school English is way more fun when done voluntarily.

I have a shelf of unread books that taunts me everyday.  Unfortunately they will continue to be unread as the convenience of ebooks continues to win out.

I think "complicated" is more accurate than "worse", and I'm not even sure that's correct.

Eh, no offense to the commentariat, but if I could find a real-life group of people to discuss my interests with on a regular basis, I'd drop you all in a heartbeat and probably be a lot happier.

Kind of.  I "read" Great Expectations in high school to the extent that I did enough of the assigned reading to keep up with my AP English classwork and could knowledgably bluff my way through a conversation on the plots and themes.  This would be the first time I'd read any of his work with time to actually enjoy it.

Breezed through Slaughterhouse-Five in about a week.  Definitely plan on coming back around for more Vonnegut in the future.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus Well, we had been on a pretty stringent budget to save up enough for a down payment.  Our mortgage payment is essentially the same as our rent was before.  So suddenly we didn't have this huge purchase to save up for and for about a month we were all "Woohoo! 

We went back after we bought our house and decided that we were rich again.  I kind of, sort of regret but now I'm addicted to having DVR and won't go back.

The Bob's Burgers-style dumb-ass songs about mundane crap I sing to annoy MNCyGal.

I ended up reading the blog sporadically because I had a couple FB friends that kept linking it.  I didn't think the concept was so terrible, but they really come off as awful, awful people to even be friends with, much less date.

Don't be a sports fan, because it's a pain in the ass without cable/satellite.

Tailgating, halftime, and the 4th quarter were fun.  At this rate, we should put together enough competent quarters to win a game halfway through the season.

@avclub-9a3fe1f228aea0bc3b5c0da332c3fb64:disqus Do you have time on the weekend to chop up meat and vegetables?  That's really the only thing that takes any time.  Otherwise it's mostly dump in all the ingredients and turn it on.

I'm not against it, I just want them to do it somewhere that isn't my house.  Honestly, if they hadn't kept leaving their trash on my lawn I probably would have let it go.

Make that three!  I definitely DVR it and watch it after my wife goes to sleep.

You're still trying after said freakout?  Was there even a conversation?

We had a pack of 16-20 year olds that would park their mom's SUV by the side of our house and just hang out smoking (possibly do drugs) all night.  I felt bad, but we actually ended up calling the police when they wouldn't take our hints to move the party elsewhere.

At least it was an entertaining game.

Honestly, it kind of is.  If I thought either I or MNCyGal were in a place career-wise to support the whole family on our paycheck I'd seriously discuss one of us staying home.  The stress level for both people drops tremendously.

I kind of feel bad because some of our software is legitimately mystifying and she's fresh out of school.  But seriously, try to set up a time with your co-workers to go through it instead of constantly interrupting us all day.