
Other than getting to spend two months of quality time with my infant son, getting to watch that in real-time might have been the best part of being unemployed this winter.

With Dads now making it to air, where does this place Seth Green in the rankings of disappointing post-Buffy careers?

Are they also bringing in teen champion Leonard as Alex's permanent sidekick? If not, missed opportunity.

Am I going to regret not signing on for Sleepy Hollow?

Ads never tell you a damn thing.  Who would have seen New Girl coming from the ads for the premiere?

I don't understand why they couldn't just put Raising Hope back on Tuesdays and exile Dads to that timeslot.  Surely that would have been a higher-quality and more cohesive line-up.

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus @avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus @avclub-9cb9be7338a236adb160f2d3cf5f5f15:disqus Hell, considering his immediate reaction to the situation was to kidnap their child to essentially use as leverage, I'm thinking they were pretty justified in assuming he was

Because he's run out of other people to blame.

@avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus Looks like Walter's not alone, there are still real-life people who don't understand that he's the villain of this story.

And Stewart.  Let's not pretend that SNL is the only show that couldn't let characters go.

Instead of whatever Revolution-esque garbage ABC ends up developing, can we get a weekly series exploring these different theories?

If your getting bits of wok in your cooking you should probably just replace it.

I'm pretty sure in 6th grade I spent most of the year scared out of my mind that my friends would somehow force me to actually go on a date with the girl that had a crush on me.

This makes me think of the bizarre shorts they'll show on Disney Jr. between shows.  They are constantly showing chopped up 10-15 sec. pieces from the classic movies, edited in a way that makes zero sense.

pubic scales

This is a terrifying story.

@avclub-072f76c18f8d7d526bd0d58166eb82ae:disqus Yea, that's my fear.  If it takes off it will become like 3D movies where it's hard to avoid if you really want to see something in the theater.

Will you also accept bitching about any programming on Disney Jr?  (except Octonauts which I kind of love.  Captain Barnacles 4 Life!)

If that's actually true, why are they re-releasing it at all?

If you would have taken Sebastian's advice and just gone for it you would have been fine!  This is not Little Mermaid's fault.