
She is, but she hates when I bring up that story.  And I still have no idea how Contagion ends.

I'm perfectly fine with it for TV.  I don't have to deal with it if I don't want to, and like you said it gives you a community experience where one might not be available.

If this becomes a trend it's going to cause a worse situation than when my pregnant wife got into a fight with the white trash assholes who brought their kids to Contagion and wouldn't shut up.

Are the parents of said young-in lazy idiots?

One of my best friends from college is married to someone who will on occasion slip into babytalk.  She's an otherwise delightful person, but its almost enough to make me not socialize with them.

@avclub-57d020e695d539d5ef513aa0be1a18e9:disqus I'm disappointed that him being in the running for Dr. Who was entirely an AV Club fabrication.  He would have been delightful (and in terms of the shows fanbase would have excellently straddled the line between not being another young quirky guy but still being

People are awful enough at movies, why are we encouraging them?  I really hope this whole idea is an Oogieloves-level failure, but it's Disney so it will probably be crazy successful.

Nothing Luca did seemed that crazy except his dessert.  It was all pretty rich, but Natasha's appetizer seemed a bit more out there than his did and neither of the entrees seemed too bizarre.

They should use tapes of this show to teach kids about adjectives.

Didn't he also say something ludicrous about being served the most exquisite appetizer of all time? 

Considering what else we heard about Krissi, are you really surprised she follows the most racistly named team in the NFL?

Mack Brown is basically senile now, right?  What other explanation is there for the cluster you guys have been the last few years?

Who was making nasty comments about vegetarians?  It seemed like it was 90% a (sorta stalkerish) Bri lovefest down here.

I think scholarship limits and transfer culture have definitely raised the talent level for the FCS schools.  And it's always worse when you play an FCS school from your state/region because all those kids are pissed off they didn't get a scholarship from the big school.

Go Lucca!

Just hoping the Cyclones can turn it around against Iowa this weekend.  Losing to UNI doesn't have to kill the whole season, but we pretty much have to win our other 2 non-conference games to have a chance at a winning season now.

@avclub-eaff9f19dbfd5c5a5807b5dbfa656ec9:disqus If you stop now you spent money for zero gain.  If you keep reading you spent money to actively make your life worse,  unless you think the sense of accomplishment from finishing it will outweigh your current miserableness.

I am still afraid to watch the Dr. Fate episode of Superman TAS because it freaked me out so much as a kid.

No fucking kidding.  I like to talk a little walk on my lunch breaks (makes me feel less guilty about junk food if I have to walk to go get it) but lately it's been so damn hot it's not even fun or relaxing.

I thought the whole thing was pretty interesting, but I'm a sucker for the historical non-fiction novel genre in general and Larsen in particular.