
I finished This Side of Paradise over the weekend.  I thought it was just ok and kind of haphazard (although that made a lot more sense after reading up on some of the history of the book).  I also started finding it weirdly relatable towards the end, which I'm not sure is a good thing.

AV Club save themselves the work of actually writing an article and just put up a weekly post that says "Here, talk about all  your podcasts now".  It would save us all the bitching about which shows get covered and how.  Maybe there'd be more actual discussion.

Maybe it will hurt at the box office, but the fact that it's not a well-known hero that Marvel has to protect at all costs actually gives me hope that it will be a fun movie.

Man on ant sex scene?

I think that's why the genre NEEDS Ant-Man.  An off-beat, lesser-known character that Marvel can risk screwing up as a marketable property and let someone really play with is just what the doctor ordered after all this sameness and desensitizing destruction.

No doubt.  I'm really hoping Ant-Man has that touch of irreverence, fun, and sense of humor that superhero movies have been missing since the 1st Iron Man.

They did review that episode.

I don't mind Sal, but I wish they would bring him on to do something other than break down the weekly gambling lines.  When I see that in the episode summary it's a signal to skip the episode for me.

I was pretty sure it had earned it's place in the pantheon of teen movies that are actually good.

I'm honestly surprised that Ragin Cajun Redneck Gator hasn't already been used as a southern wrestler's nickname.

You should watch 10 Things I Hate About You, it's great!

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Have you revisited the college/adult years recently?  I rewatched the whole show about 2 years ago because my wife had never seen it.  I used to feel the same way, but seasons 4-6 were MUCH better the second time around.  7 is still a train wreck.

Oh god yes!  I used to work in Waterloo by a little deli that had a whole wall basically covered in Buddy Holly memorabilia.

Can we use something by Buddy Holly or The Big Bopper since Clear Lake is still obsessed with the fact that they died there?

Just keep Fox away then or they'll try to make it a summer blockbuster about Magneto and Professor X solving mysteries.  Although…

I always answer Cool Runnings. No one can accuse it of being pretentious lie and everyone is too confused to ridicule me for not liking a smarter movie.

Is there a list somewhere of what all 50 ingredients actually were?  I have so many questions!

Didn't you watch the Oscars?  He's on a journey to making something real!

I still maintain that the best Holmes is the animated one where he's in the future and Watson is a cyborg.

see 4 threads down