
I think the "immature Manziel" story is WAY overplayed, but you have to have one of those stories every season it seems.  Does the average fan really give a shit if he's not squeaky clean off the field?

I thought we had wasps awhile back, but it turned out they were cicada killers.  Not nearly as scary for us, but still freaky as hell.  I looked them up and they are the serial killers of the insect world.

Like 6 years ago I accidentally stumbled upon a perfect Christmas gift for MNCyGal and it's completely ruined my ability to gift shop, because now I expect it to happen every time.

Yes, sweaters and long-sleeve shirts make things so much easier than trying to find an acceptable short-sleeve/hot weather look.

I saw that a few weeks ago.  They really do just have a random show generator.

@avclub-748f8363abf28251e79f4faededfcceb:disqus Well they were until the white settlers came and wiped out all the cheeseburger pizza herds.

@avclub-241b2421faecd6ca0aaa67cb80e8a634:disqus I went to school with so many Bears fans that would take issue with that comment.

gold-pressed latinum and yamok sauce

Sounds about right.  All of this was a lot more bearable before I married into a Packer family.

Eh, it wasn't a big loss, I don't roll with a real hard-partying crowd.

I envy your ability to grow your hair out without it resulting in a gross white-guy afro.

So this pregnancy might be different, but pre-1st pregnancy my wife loved eggs.  Made omelets for breakfast regularly.  As soon as she was told to eat eggs frequently, they became disgusting to her.

You'd think so…

Didn't they do a "pioneer family" reality show right at the start of the reality boom?  I feel like I remember watching that.

I had the same feeling when we got pregnant with our first.  Just utter disbelief that we were actually capable of conceiving a child for some reason.

I'm already working out strategies for denying the existence of non-Pixar children's movies to our son.

It's the worst.  And they're an in-state school whose fanbase is already a little insufferable.

What if both the Whole Foods and Trader Joe's in my area are a 20 minute drive.  What's really there to justify making that trek and not sticking with my traditional grocery store?

I must be terribly uncoordinated, because I can never do those chair dips properly.

But you appreciate it SO MUCH MORE.  Seriously, I think the only reason I became a fierce defender of Man of Steel was because it was the only movie I had seen in theaters in 6 months.