
My wife keeps joking that she thinks she's pregnant with twins.  I don't really find it that funny,

Apparently eggs are lousy with basically all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. that are supposed to be good for the baby.  Obviously protein is a big deal as well, but trying to get a good percentage of your daily protein from eggs is really pushed in this Bradley/Brewer diet we sort-of attempted last time.

It's not that hard.  If you're reasonably intelligent and typically try not to be an asshole you won't screw your kid up any worse than the rest of us.

Holding out hope that Christian Ponder inexplicably becomes a competent QB.

Never had one because my wife-to-be got kidney stones that weekend?

Yea, but at least with PBS reality/competition isn't code for "get 'em drunk and record them bitching about each other"

Cottage cheese with any sort of small and/or chopped up fresh fruit is my go-to low-cal breakfast/lunch.

College Football Sequel Thread:

I am anxiously awaiting the return of fall and winter a.k.a "the seasons when I actually feel good about my workday fashion choices"

I hear you.  I like to try and watch somewhat informative, but not super-exciting TV in bed after my wife falls asleep, because I just can't go down as early as she does, but I feel like it's such a waste of my life to watch something like Friends re-runs every night.  Cable is such a wasteland of cookie-cutter

So, my wife is pregnant again and the one thing our doctor recommended diet-wise during her first pregnancy that we struggled with was getting daily servings of eggs.  Anybody got any good unorthodox egg-centric recipes so I don't have to try and force feed her hard-boiled eggs and quiche for 9 months?

Yea, I have DirecTV, so I'll be in the same boat :(

@avclub-26e92deb0a9db1c8969cf0d48f25d036:disqus Any time there is a character in a movie they watch that doesn't seem to act socially normal (usually due to bad writing or acting), Jason will say something about them being on the spectrum as the only plausible explanation for their actions (other than bad writing or

@avclub-eaf7e6d54e569c2f804fb8abe3c575ad:disqus Well that's what I thought, and I had them for a week or so, right after FS1 launched.  Now I'm back to what I had before.

So, it looked like I had NBC Sports and CBS Sports for a week, but they're no longer part of the base package?

Yea, I'm thinking I probably don't either.  It doubly pisses me off since before this week I was apparently getting FX movies, but now I don't.

I thought it was to give everyone a place to make their case that David Huntsberger is the worst person alive.  My bad.

Not that Jason's more questionable remarks are my favorite part of the show, but bigoted seems like a strong word.

I worked in a diversity services offices in college.  I can verify this is true.

@avclub-85bd06050f1868adf468605465df26f8:disqus I honestly believe things are going to settle down for a few years now.  All the Big 12 schools are locked into a grant of rights for the next 7 years I think, so unless they want to waive all their TV revenue I don't think anyone else is leaving anytime soon.