
She really is.  Since this apparently isn't, can we get a Jen Barkley P&R spinoff instead?

Boo!  Big 12 4 Life!

My favorite part of lifeguarding was the day my boss scolded me for getting a pop from the vending machine instead of just stealing from the concession stand.  Also when people would rent the pool for a party, only have enough kids in the water to justify one person on deck, but they still had to pay 4 of us to sit

Big upset win, most would say it cost OSU their shot at a national title (Personally I would say that a broken system and Nick Saban's pact with Satan are to blame).  By far the most awesome night ever to be an Iowa State fan.  I would imagine Cowboy fans don't have the same fond memories.

C'mon, you guys have Frank Martin and his death stares now!  You don't care a little about hoops?

I think it's more likely Ohio State goes undefeated and ends up in the title game.

I don't know, in 201 isn't half of what's written on the internet about things that happened in the 90's?

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Can we still be friends after 2011?

@avclub-8288999e960ebe6aca280a2c31f5645b:disqus Believe me, I'm no big fan of Texa$ either, but I think it's debatable that A&M will really make more money in the SEC.  Most of the teams that moved had dubious reasoning for those moves, imo.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus What is your alma mater/school you've chosen to be a fan of?

@avclub-8288999e960ebe6aca280a2c31f5645b:disqus Because realignment-mania really sucked balls when your school wasn't one that could control it's own destiny.  It seemed like everything had settled down and then it all got started up again because A&M has a big inferiority complex about Texas.

Tiny older woman talking smack is awesome regardless of ethnicity.

Leave it to the SEC to make tailgating seem like work and no fun :p

@Beast_of_man:disqus I know, but that is still going to be the ultimate example of college football being a force of corruption for a long time.

How are you enjoying having the Aggies in your conference?  We were kind of glad to be rid of the douchebags towards the end.

I miss having a Thursday opener.  Iowa State did that for a long time, but this year I have to wait until Saturday :(.

So every major state university is corrupt and football is always the reason? Not every school is Miami or Penn State.

This is an acceptable sentiment.

You should try a game that actually features decent teams.

Why Am I Not Watching College Football Already? Thread