
Do you consider the WNBA a half-assed attempt?  It might have been mismanaged, but the NBA pushed that league HARD for a long time.

Exactly, and I think that's the real problem.  I'm sure "sex v. sport" is a factor, but I think the bigger issue is that they are competing for attention with sports clubs and leagues that have been around for decades.  I'm not against women's sports.  I was a big supporter of the women's basketball team when I was in

I don't think that's it.  The men's leagues seem to be having a fine time increasing their audience by marketing to women right now, so I don't think it's some failure of the old guard to get women interested in sports.  In fact, I think when they try to market these leagues as "sports for women" it's

Not related so much to women's sports, but I wonder if one of the positive effects Fox Sports 1 could have on ESPN would be forcing SportsCenter to cover sports more evenly.  If Fox does a great job covering hockey, surely ESPN doesn't want to lose that segment of their current audience.

I am way too excited about this.  Due to summer doldrums our DVR is basically clear except for some random TCM movies.  I typically settle down to watch TV a little after 7:30 when we give MNCySon his bottle and put him to bed.  Only having one episode of MasterChef that started at 8 was causing this really annoying

If I had to guess, I'll bet a lot of the David-haters are people who came to the show later, presumably during Tig's career explosion. 

I know it's not a popular opinion, but the show can be just as bad when it turns into "The Tig and Kyle Show".  I'm glad Tig is having a lot of personal success after the hell year she endured, but it's had a bad effect on the dynamics of Professor Blastoff.

I really hope things pick up once they've burned through all the live episodes from their tour.  They must be getting close to the end of them by now, right?

It does seem to be going a bit overboard now.  He's not THAT bad.

I don't know if that's entirely fair.  I haven't gone back and re-listened to the earlier episodes again, but I don't remember this being a trend from way back when the show started.  I think this is just a by-product of the show evolving in ways its creators/hosts didn't expect. 

That was me, and I stand by it.  It's not like David has never had any good moments on the show, he's just in the midst of a big rough patch on PB.

You'd think it would end up being accidentally good, but every time I've happened upon it…not so much.


If Leah Remini was ever "fat" during the run of KoQ, my weight should justify a TLC special.

It is ridiculously catchy.

Not trying to make it sound like KoQ was a deep show by any means, but I thought there was a lot more to Carrie's character than most of your "nagging wives" and Remini usually did better with the material than most actresses would have.

The author was on CBS Sunday Morning this week.  She was a former editor who more or less admitted that the series was a calculated "I can write to these YA tropes as well as that guy" money grab.  More power to her I guess.

Wedding Cake?

Is it that crazy?  Patton was a bit character there for a paycheck, Stiller was just doing a Frank Costanza impression, and Kevin James was Kevin James.

Fine, but if you're going to have the balls to judge a cooking competition, imo, you should not be intimidated by any form of cooking.  If he had said that Asian cuisine or wok cooking wasn't his forte so he sympathized with the contestants, that would have made sense.  But he flat out said he didn't know how to cook