
I also enjoyed the guy who said something like, "compared to all the other fine Asian food I've eaten, this was far and above up there"

Did Joe Bastianich, supposed food expert and judge on cooking competition, actually say that he would be lost if he had to cook with a Wok?

Considering that we're still in the midst of the fallout of a coordinated institutional cover-up of molestation at a major public university, let's not pat ourselves on the back for society putting a stop to child abuse just yet.

My mother-in-law was just down for a 4-day stretch (originally came down for State Fair, then stuck around to babysit because MNCySon was running a fever and wasn't allowed at Daycare) and brought their dog down with her.  This would be a terrible time to try and puppy-train a new dog in our house, but I'm really

I somehow read "Chad Kroger will kick your ass." to the opening tune of "Photograph" which made it better.

I don't think it's a quality-driven thing.  I think it's just that due to the movie, V is the 2nd most well-known thing he wrote to the general public.

I kind of think he feels left out having to play the straight man to Kyle and Tig's shenanigans on PB and overcompensates with some of ridiculous questions he asks.  I mean it really must suck to have the other two people get all the big laughs on the podcast when, if I recall correctly, the whole concept of the show

The water camouflage?

His "Dick Vitale tripping out on drugs" impression on Sklarbro is pretty great.  I am, however, finding myself rolling my eyes more and more at what he says on Professor Blastoff.

Fun Story: That scene is not as much fun to watch when you're 18 and inexplicably end up watching that movie in the theater with your mom and grandma.

I would be OK with a Ben-Hur remake if it was on the level of say, Gladiator.  I fear that we will get 300 with Romans and a few plot points lifted from the original.

Maybe "All Ages" is more appropriate.  I'm not saying I don't enjoy my occasional fix of a good superhero cartoon, but by-and-large these things were made for children.  That doesn't mean that they can't be made well and have enough brains to entertain adults.  That's what makes the JLU's of the cartoon landscape

I might actually have to download that HUAL episode.  I've tried the show in the past and found the hosts much too full of themselves for my taste, but the discussion sounds interesting enough to give them another go.

That's correct.  And Fox Sports 2 will be replacing something called "Fuel"

I'm sure they just don't want to get pigeon-holed as only having "political" late night shows.

I do think Stewart just seems tired and weary a lot of the time these days.  And really, how do you do that job for that long and not get that way?  My hope is that he comes back feeling rejuvenated and it reflects on the show.  And hopefully if it feels that way he'll be more inclined to take more breaks and side

I'm inclined to agree.  I'm definitely not sad that Stewart is coming back, but I'm definitely sad that it means a return to a reduced role for Oliver. 

He got a lot better though.  And his "serious" interviews were usually pretty good, compared to his "celebrity interviews, which usually holds true for Jon as well.

In general I think that's true, but I actually LOVED the English teacher for that class (he was essentially Wallace Shawn as a HS English teacher) and basically every other novel or play we read.  I should probably give Bronte another chance, but I don't think I could force myself to read Jane Eyre again, even if I

I can never tell if watching movies with her would be fun or much too similar to watching movies with my mom when she's not paying attention and needs the plot described every 15 minutes.