
Again, Tom and DJ Roombas dopplegangers will be Fisher Stevens and Johnny Five.

Oh god, can Tom's double be Fisher Stevens?!  Eagleton could easily have some sort of Johnny Five-esque robot used by the parks dept., right?

Wow, I had the exact opposite Bronte/Austen experience.  Of course I read Jane Eyre in high school and P&P as an adult, so that may have played a part.

@avclub-c26473f2f4772a2a52e4690515ce6e75:disqus I thought the overall idea of Mockingjay was good, but it's really a drag until that final mission.  And the 1st part movie is going to be super boring.  It really does parallel Deathly Hallows quite a bit in that way.

It seems like there are at least 1 or 2 items a day that will show up on both sites within 30 minutes of each other.  AV Club isn't always first either, so it goes both ways.

I'm almost exactly halfway through This Side of Paradise.  Am I supposed to sympathize with Amory, because at best I find him tolerable.

And then everything falls off the deep end in the next one.

I know you're stubbornly holding on to an anti-iPhone stance, but I used to have the exact same problem.  My old Samsung Galaxy barely made it through a whole 8 hour workday just making calls and occasionally checking Facebook.  I never would have dreamed of listening to music on it.

Didn't Keira Knightley and Steve Carrell just make that movie?

My wife and I went to Chicago last weekend, both for the first time, had a blast.  Saw the bean, walked around the harbor and Navy Pier, ate deep dish pizza (and too much food in general), went to the Shedd, went to the Art Institute (could have easily spent twice as much time there), saw a Second City show, and even

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus That is probably my most used Futurama quote

You should take one for the team so he can end the war on terror by beating an Al Qaeda pie-maker in Rodney IV.

You'd never be able to do the classic line-up because I'd assume Silver Surfer, and maybe Namor, are tied up in the Fantastic Four rights.

I may have spent many hours my senior year of high school talking about the alternate endings on the 28 Days Later DVD.

Vance Unleaded

And "Veiled Sin"

I was really hoping that the whole Cars thing would be over by time my kid was the right age for it, so I'm hoping the box office is at least disappointing enough to slow it down. 

I'm pretty sure I gained 5 lbs on our anniversary vacation this weekend, so that cut a little close to the bone :(.

Yea, I was a first-timer as well (apparently my wife has been watching this for years and I never noticed).  I thought I read somewhere this was the first year they trotted out the Bobby/Alton/Giada judging group in place of actual Food Network producers, so maybe those aspects used to be there and just got dropped. 

A Guardians of the Galaxy update!  I demand a cake update as well!