
I also liked James implying that he could do the judges job.

Yea, I think that's a given.  But this was the actual "live" part of the episode I'm talking about.

I hope they are also tiny little child-sized plates.  The whole concept of the show sounds awful, but I know I'll have to watch it.

Judging by the previews for next week, we need to get a "Lucca the Poultry Wrangler" sitcom on tv immediately.

Pretty sure there was a gratuitous ass shot of Natasha as well.

Yea, it doesn't make any sense since it ends with a contestant coming back, but I swear all the contestants looked slightly different than they had previous weeks.   Just odd.

Maybe it was just Krissi's hair that threw me off, but did anyone else get the impression that this was possibly taped after the fact?  Maybe to replace the Paula Deen episode?

@donnadb:disqus My office is pretty slack actually.  I wonder what would happen if I just implemented your shoe rack desk without asking…

Yea, these reviews have been quality lurking.

I'd actually like it at work, so not so much.  I just get restless sitting at a desk 8+ hours a day.

I actually wish I had a standing desk. 

More disturbing, are those mason jar rumors legit?

A&M thought they'd be the one to escape Big 12 defection karma….not so much.

Nothing specific for food.  We're staying downtown, so I figured we'd probably do ok just winging our meal plans.  Any suggestions to watch for?

Going to Chicago this weekend for an anniversary trip with my wife.  First time for both of us.  We've got a loose set of plans, but if anyone has some non-obvious suggestions, let me have them.

It's a sad day isn't it?

Too true.  I was looking for something with some redeeming value to fall asleep to the other night and there was nothing but Pawn Stars, Swamp People, and, I swear to god, Swamp Pawn on.  I got depressed and settled on a Friends re-run.

My dad fucking loves all that Celtic crap, so apparently it does draw an audience.

Wooo, Call the Midwife!!  That show is actually pretty ok.

But it worked so well for all those electronics manuals!