
It is sad that everyone misses the higher-quality and more imaginative action movies that are right in front of them because they insist on looking for a super-serious sci-fi metaphor instead.

I'll join you in your idiot ranting.  I like the Sklars, but the shows been going long enough that they desperately need someone there to help them shake things up. DVK is good for them, although he know also seems to be settling into a bit of a groove.

Normally I'm with you on live podcasts, but I actually think having a crowd to play to works to HDTGM's strengths.

@avclub-efe0ef8a495f5639a1d2ccc80684f5d8:disqus I didn't mean to imply that she didn't more than hold her own, but if you asked most people who was the funniest actress in Bridesmaids, I think she'd end up at least third behind McCarthy and Wiig.

But I doubt they go back and write that part if she doesn't bring him in to read for Paul and likely pushed hard for him in that part.  At the start of the show Ron Swanson would have been a consolation prize small part compared to Paul.

Wouldn't that be whatever that piece of garbage Hudson made with Anne Hathaway was?

I don't disagree, but I think there are two counterpoints:

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Aw sad.  I did not know that.

90's comics style pouches and shoulder pads

I don't know why they'd bother.  If they tape-delayed it over here to a time that made sense for the American audience, anybody that cared would have found out online long before it aired.

I kind of regret throwing it out there because now I'm just sad that it has a 0% chance of ever actually happening.

BBC orchestrated the whole royal baby thing as a distraction.

Really?  He was in the part of it that was good.

I don't particularly care about the age thing, but I would like to see someone do a less manic take on the part.

And maybe we'd get his wife to guest star in an episode.  I'd also like to see her working more.

That's exactly what I was thinking of.

How would a casting rumor about a former DS9 star ever get started on this site?

Would you say no to an out-of-left-field Avery Brooks in full-on crazy mode casting?

I did a rewatch of DS9 last winter/spring and he was much, much better than I remembered.  As a kid I thought he was just whiny and arrogant, but he was one of my favorites this time through.

Is Alexander Siddig seriously in the running?  That would be awesome!