
@avclub-b7784c3d4ede54a8f3e13b304f3a991a:disqus I think the trick going forward for the WNBA will be to play to the popularity of the college teams in some markets.  Minnesota's franchise is fairly popular right now and having two beloved former Gophers on the team has just as much to do with it as their success the

Ah, that makes some sense then.  I grew up in small-ish town MN, so the only important standardized tests we had were the state graduation standards, and if you didn't pass them in 8th or 10th grade you got to keep trying twice a year until your senior year.

Lynn demonstrated he could make a plate look pretty.  I don't remember a lot of talk about how his food actually tasted.

And normally calm and cool Jessie had "shut up mom" written all over her face the whole time.

I do remember him sort of having crazy eyes.

That rain episode is the only thing I ever saw of that show, but for whatever reason it freaked me out so bad that it has stuck with me for years.

Pretty sure you could have worked around those standardized tests.  Kids never get sick on that day?  I think @avclub-fa5b8744a34319c7c9f360b7cc4eb503:disqus had the right idea.

@avclub-73aaacf9803fed2a04f802f3f85225e5:disqus I'm thinking some sort of golden sequined robe.

This, however, is why Sports Night should be required viewing for all us Jeremy-types.  We are not as great as we think we are.

It's the people who feel compelled to go out of their way to crap on it that gets me.  It's 2013, there are a million and one sports channels.  You can basically watch whatever sport/game/match you want if you have cable or satellite.  A WNBA game being televised affects you in no way if you don't choose to watch it.

Doesn't he claim that the FIL was basically stealing money from the restaurant?  No defense for the affair though.

Yes, lots of awesome Graham goodness this week.  He's like a real-life Grimace.

And it seems like they brought back random contestants.  Was Bime (sp?) ever considered a strong contender?

Hopefully if they do a tag team challenge next season they don't do sushi for a third time.  Instead lets see a tag team Mexican challenge and Graham comes out wearing  a luchadore mask.

Where is my GIF of Graham's little nervous running dance?!  Get on it internet!

I'd believe it.  I haven't lived at home to see the big August spending spree in 8 years, so I'm sure it's climbed.

The backpack thing is crazy to me, but from my experience growing up with a teacher mom, you can blame school funding for giving those teachers pretty much no budget for room supplies.  If I had to guess, I'm pretty sure she spends at least $200 a year out of her own pocket on school supplies for the poor kids whose

A random comment on an old Dinosaur Comics that he was enjoying the Star Trek TNG reviews.

I think Collins is still hoping to get signed somewhere, but it's not looking great at this point.  In a world where teams are taking fliers on Andrew Bynum and Greg Oden you'd think a decent veteran bench big man could get a one-year deal.  Makes you wonder.

@avclub-d54eddc50a16cc1b6821ae119e51c0ba:disqus Maybe I'm being picky, but I don't think Oscar nominees really count.