
You don't like women's basketball?  What a rare opinion that you definitely needed to express!


only in pog form though

But would a police scientist that happens to also be super fast be out of place?  I picture that spin-off basically being CSI with a light dusting of super-powers.

I'm still mad that SyFy fucked up doing an updated Flash Gordon show.

According to my mother I took up the Trombone in 5th grade because of Commander Riker.  So thank you Jonathan Frakes.   I made many friends and had lots of great experiences all the way through college because you were on Star Trek and liked jazz.

@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus They've been on a bit of a hot streak lately, and I think they realize that the live shows do work better for them.  I like the show, and even I'll admit that the stretch of shows when they were getting a lot of hate weren't their best work.

County benefits from giving the Sklars a consistent third man to bounce off of and not getting bogged down in a set structure.  Honestly though, even if County or Country are noticeably funnier in a given week, it's pretty awesome that they turn out 2-3 hours of content with that kind of quality every week.

What about all the hot wives I see you guys with on TV?

They really do form the Captain Planet of crappy movie watching.

Guys…what is a "street fighter"?

Yea, I don't know how much of it is because I became a dad 3 days after The Avengers came out and I just don't get out to movies at the same rate anymore, but last summer really felt like the crest of the superhero wave to me.  I never saw IM3 and I pretty much only saw Man of Steel because it was the big blockbuster

I think everyone keeps running with that outdated line so we don't have to say "I wanted to be able to say I took the whole family to go do something, but I didn't want to hear two hours worth of whining about it being hot at the zoo or whatever, so we just went to whatever crappy cartoon was playing."

Is there such a thing as a slow-burn hit anymore?  Bridesmaids is the closest recent thing I can think of, but I can't think of a single non-comedy that made money just by getting good word of mouth and sticking around for awhile. 

Not, but being made 5 years and 2 sequels sooner probably was.

I hated the Willis episodes.

We need those ones for vending machines!

So Sir Mervyn King hadn't hired Stone Cold Steve Austin to stand quietly to the side, menacingly holding a steel chair to silence critics while he announced Fry was being removed from the currency?  Disappointing. 

I'm sure when Joey works he pays rent.  Is Chandler supposed to kick him out when he's between acting gigs?

alternative-counter-counter-argument:  He wasn't bad, he just wasn't Phil Hartman.