
@PugsMalone:disqus Landformsist!

Kids shouldn't be deprived of that either!

But then you run the risk of being perceived as giving kids a political message.  Since it's PBS, it will be perceived as a liberal message and get boycotted by crazy conservative parents. Then kids in Kansas don't learn geography.  At least this way everybody learns how to read a map.

I am genuinely interested in hearing your awesome geography jokes.

I'd imagine the Balkans would be a bit different than they were mid-90's.

How many of those African countries will still be valid now?  A lot of kids are going to learn some outdated geography.

Who else got mad when the phone for the second game was not the shoe phone?

I think he was just trying to find a new way to say "I don't even own a TV"

In lieu of any good Guardians of the Galaxy updates, has the cakeless wedding happened yet?

Has anyone seen Joey Fatone's family recipe cooking show?  I just like telling people this is a thing that exists.

Not even Bye Bye Bye?

I still can't believe they got away with a debut single called "liquid dreams"

Damn you.  I basically blew my whole morning at work because of that link.

You don't have MeTV where you live?  Batman and Star Trek re-runs alone justify it's existence.

Superman was helping clear space for nicer low-income housing will no be my go-to defense for Man of Steel.

Where is our C- review and endless forced snide remarks about Golden Age Superman?

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus Thanks for referring me to that.  I've never read the blog, but that basically matches my thoughts to a tee.  Dark Knight Rises was unfortunately necessary.

I think weird is the best description of DKR.  To me, it's very much a movie that reflects its external circumstances.  I would love to know what Nolan & Goyer's tentative 3rd movie plans were prior to Ledger's death.

Hip Pop definitely needs to be the accepted term.

I think you mean Dance Karate.