
Marcel always makes me think of the Pinky and The Brain episode where they make a friends knock-off.  I think it's because I heard Pinky yell "And I have a monkey!" a couple years before I was old enough to be aware of Friends.

@avclub-6850dfd7cf5a46634b94c8c1f07e7340:disqus I've always just heard it called "Beer Pole".  Fricket is a much more official sounding name.

Eh, at lap swimming it's mostly going to be saggy old people who should be more worried about going shirtless than you are.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus I've thought about it, but it seems like one of those games that would be awesome for about 5 minutes and then just be boring (unless you turned it into a drinking game).

Plus submerging yourself in water for 30-60 minutes is an EXCELLENT way to clear your head of the day's bullshit.

Do you play real bocce or randomly throw balls around the yard bocce?

Alright!  Finally my beard fits who I really am, no more pretense of thinking it's cool.

Fuck people that say that.  Pre-Carl's Jr. menu changes Hardee's was fantastic.  I will keep giving them a chance solely due to fond childhood memories.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus No, it's that game from when you were a kid where you have all the marbles in a tube and pull out the sticks that are holding them up.  Here's the link to the giant version:

I used to love the original Frisco burger at Hardee's, but every time I've had one in the last 5 years it's been a disappointing, soggy mess.

Yea, I saw somebody a few tents down from us with one last season and thought it was the coolest thing ever.  I mentioned it to my dad when we were up for Christmas, and apparently with no kids at home he has tons of time on his hands for random projects, go figure.  Went home 2 weeks ago and he just opens up this box

It's the summer, you could always try to find somewhere to lap swim if you think you're beating up your joints too bad with your current routine.

Yea  no kidding.  And I'd love to be able to say I was consistent in getting to the gym for 10 months.  Don't throw that away.

I'm trying to decide if my minimal craftsman skill would be better used making a custom cornhole board (which everyone has) or the insane giant kerplunk game my wife found on pinterest.

The progression seems to be oddball regional game > arts and craft fair staple > cheap plastic wal mart knock-offs.

After losing about twenty pounds while I was unemployed (and thus had time to workout everyday and obsessively track my calories), I've plateaued in the low 250's.  I've started biking to work a couple days a week though, and my wife is on a health kick, so hopefully I get back to a non-shitty diet.

My dad is making me a custom giant jenga set for tailgating this year.  I'm pretty excited for that.

@avclub-b225f4f6ac143a56811ca414622e8158:disqus I don't think you thought that argument through.  How are you seeing this video?  Either you sought out yourself, in which case you were already interested, or someone you know showed it to you, in which case based on how much you trusted their taste in music they could

What never made sense to me when I was in school (our son isn't old enough for me to be on the parent end of this yet) are the parents that INSISTED on shooting their own crap when it was made widely known that the school was recording it and would provide a copy to whoever asked for it.  And this was in the days of

Big difference between snapping a few quick photos for posterity and attempting to make an amateur concert film.