
No one cares about your stupid cell phone concert photos or videos.  They're doing these people a favor.

It's ok, we can form our own website and the people who comment there can feel like stupid trash if they don't hate the things we hate.

Yep, I already saw Real Steel and Transformers.  I don't need to see Real Steel meets the Transformers.  I don't really care who's directing it.

Did you have students sent to the principals office for, no joke, "disrespectful comments about Pandas"?

@mizerock:disqus It did indeed

Would David Hyde Pierce be playing his cop character from The Perfect Host?

I think you might have to blatantly feed kids false information.  2+2=5, shit like that.

Well of course you got in trouble.  That book acknowledges that sex exists.

I watched Casablanca for the first time.  It was pretty good, but I think it suffered from my expectations, as tends to happens with those classics that you somehow don't see for years.

This was a woman so married to her answer key and with so little actual knowledge of her subject matter, that you could point to answers that were almost taken verbatim from the textbook and she would still get defensive and claim you were wrong.

The only reason I saw this movie was because I had the laziest high school biology teacher of all time.

This is pretty much where I'm at.  I'm trying to read more, but it's almost exclusively getting around to stuff I feel I should have read years ago.  I'm not sure how it would work, but if AV Club launched a feature matching fans of current TV shows/movies up with some sort of classic reading list, I would be all over

The gout episode!  I love that episode.

In defense of Hank, when it comes to Bobby I don't think he relishes being right.  He just can't help seeing the inevitable downside that Peggy or Bobby see intent on ignoring.  I never get the impression that he really enjoys that role, he just sees it as necessary.

Somewhere Kyle Dunnigan is very excited

There were definitely aspects I didn't care for, but by and large I thought it was an entertaining and high-potential reboot.  It definitely wasn't the travesty of a film that it's been made out to be.

I don't know if that's totally true.  I feel like he's maxed out professionally around season five.  Despite that, his asshole-level continues to rise.

Are you secretly my wife, because she makes this complaint EVERY WEEK.

I would have flip-flopped the Sklarbro episode recommendations.  "Kenneth" put that County episode over the top for me.

Can we book those cruises on Carnival and just leave the ship out there when it inevitably breaks down?  Surely the world can spare some obese, diabetic, racists.