
@avclub-f42523df3fafe56f111474dc70679dcf:disqus because it would be so easy for the Dominion to take him as a political prisoner if they thought they could gain from it.  I always thought the assumption that they wouldn't mess with the Emissary's son for risk of pissing off the Bajorans was pretty shaky.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus And Recyclops!

Definitely.  If Sisko isn't like a 2nd father to Nog, he's at least a very supportive favorite Uncle.

I wish I had seen this before I posted above, :S

@avclub-b3fe4f5a8793b5499e143cdf1253caff:disqus You can fit a lot of phasers in where the classrooms and arboretums used to go.

I just assumed it got overlooked because Dukat wants to bang her.


God bless Fox's ridiculous suggested hashtags.  They're growing on me.

I'll bet they have shit in their contract so they can edit stuff like that out.  If it did make it to air though…

I think it's still to early to tell.  I feel like last year a guy like Josh didn't really emerge as a contender until the middle of the season.

Even though he is a horse's ass, I have three things to say in defense of Joe's rant:

Those squirts of blood!  I always thought that was a fake, exaggerated thing in the movies.

Before the episode started I was saying I hoped we'd finally see some of Lynn's dishes tonight since he's held in such unexplained high esteem by his competitors.  Didn't imagine it would happen like this.

I don't care for Natasha, but at least she seems to save here awfulness for people who can take it or deserve it.  Krissi operates on two principles:
1) If I say I hate everybody I'll get a lot of screen time
2) It's a lot of fun to bully the weakest people on the show.

After all the comments about Joe the last couple weeks I purposely watched for it tonight.  He is the master of constantly reminding you he is your better.

You know you're a real bitch when even Natasha is staring at you and saying it's a bit much.

Glad I'm not alone in the James fan club.  He easily seems like he'd be the best guy on the show to just hang around with and he's good for at least one good line per episode.

We were camping over Memorial Day and I had had a couple beers before I accompanied my wife into town to get some more ice.  On the way into town we passed a gas station with a little bait shop attached with a sign that read "Master Bait & Tackle."  I believe my wife's exact words, as she suppressed giggles of her

I had a bunch of Ice Planet stuff, that was always my favorite.  I also had an old Lego catalogue from one of my first sets and I was obsessed with one day finding all these out-of-production Lego sets (Magnet Planet, Forestmen, etc.)

The after-school daycare I went to had a giant bin of Legos that was 95% plain black 6x2 bricks.  The rest were plain red or blue 6x2 bricks.  They may have been the most fun and creativity inspiring Legos I ever played with.