
Remember when Buffy led The Judge out of the mall before firing an RPG at him?  Remember when Buffy didn't set-up the explosion to kill the Mayor at the high school where everyone gathered for graduation?

In Man of Steel's case, I don't think he'll just get away with it without batting an eye.  The whole thing sets up brilliantly for Luthor to show up as fairly well-justified villain in the next movie.

This seems like a blatant attempt to repeat last week's surprising amount of She's All That discussion.

Superman 2 is all about him dealing with Pro-Life protesters.

I'm the same way, but The Bugle is a solid filler show in the weeks that I have a lot of desk time at work and burn through all my regular shows.

I can't believe they didn't touch on the Bears call-in show, that was the highlight of the show.

My grandma was a movie nut.  She had a whole wall in her basement that was basically lined with shelves of VHS tapes (probably wouldn't seem as impressive now, but when I was a kid it seemed like an inconceivable collection).  When my parents bought a new house, I was probably about 5, they dropped me off at my

Eisen is the perfect Sklarbro guest.  He comes to play, keeps up with Randy and Jason (and DVK in this case), and has interesting stories that amount to more than retracing his entire career path.

My best friends from college are both band teachers.  I didn't really give a shit about their profession, but if they are geeking out about something, I'm at least happy to see them excited about what they are doing with their lives and try not to be a dick about it.

Solid work everybody.  You've done the work of the Prophets today.

The episode where Elliot Gould fought a prophet on the promenade was pretty weird.

Truly Ross Gellar is Ted Mosby's spiritual father.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus  Or the washing machines would have been moved to a more economically beneficial location, regardless of promises made to people still waiting to do their laundry.

Everyone in NYC is so mean in these episodes because they're all descended from undead warriors locked in eternal combat.  Makes sense.

And they kind of made Luca less likeable in the process.

@mem359:disqus Can't unsee it, damn you

Who wants to go have a Kai Opaka discussion on the Friends review and really confuse the other posters?

Rachel should be glad that Winn doesn't use that Laundromat.

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus Just so you're not surprised and disappointed, because you definitely should watch The Middle, Brick is definitely still presented as a weird kid.  However, it's not just because he's some nerdy bookworm. In fact, I kind of get the impression that outside of loving

@AmaltheaElanor:disqus Where was our Sisko and Jake as Batman and Robin holodeck episode?!!