
Why would anyone outside the Cardassians and Federation care?  The Klingons, in fact, would have been very supportive.  And the Federation can't just go in and snuff them out because they still want to treat them like Federation citizens.


Hell's Kitchen hasn't aired a new episode since 2006.  They just keep recycling the same season and no one's noticed.

Are we sure that "Aww Nuts!  Mom's a Ghost" isn't a real Disney Channel show?

@avclub-2d8ab0375d529c0ccfcdb1c61a09f1c2:disqus that's what I'm saying.  It's one of many interesting threads that DS9 left on the table.


It did succeed in making me really want eggs benedict, to the point that I almost paused the DVR and drove to the store to get Canadian Bacon and English muffins.  Would have been nice to get some actual hints on making a better Hollandaise though.

Like last week, I just wanted one good Dominion mad scientist episode. 

I thought that was a bit harsh as well.  Both of the return trips are pretty well justified story-wise, imo.


@avclub-832f64b04453d8697cd600b74b14a1ad:disqus I agree, but the show still needs to follow some sort of logic to be entertaining, which makes the whole 2nd hour tangent an odd choice.  It was too elaborate to be something that was an actual reaction to the problem of having a four-way tie for last in the pressure

American MasterChef or git out!

Yea, it was just…a weird choice.  It would be interesting to see what was filmed and edited out, because they surely didn't make such a huge production choice on the fly.


That's the vibe I got.  Personally I think Beth or Natasha would be harder to work with.  Krissi may make a couple sarcastic cracks, but she basically seems to just go along with the team and do her part.  The ones that insist on backseat chef-ing everyone else would bug me way more.

That's why it looked familiar!

But the whole thing was just so unnecessarily convoluted.  If the whole purpose was just to get Kathy off the show, why not just say she had the worst eggs and be done with it?

What did I just see?

I have so many questions about the whole Vegas scenario.  Was this something they had in their back-pocket in case they legitimately had a week where there wasn't a clear loser in the pressure test, or were they going to roll out this convoluted scheme this week no matter what?  What would they have done if only one

The Wal-Mart steaks and produce were just a masterpiece of product placement.  I laughed my ass off through the whole thing.  Never change MasterChef.