
Everyone agrees that Superman is so iconic that there should be some definitive vision of the character that makes a great movie.  Nobody agrees on what that vision is.

Boyz II Meh

Hey, the Avengers cartoon they cancelled to make room for the new one was pretty good.

Oh no!  The reviewer on a site I frequent had a lukewarm reaction!  Now I can't be excited anymore!

Maybe that was true at one time, but as more and more superhero movies fill every summer I feel like the trend has turned more towards "If you're going to treat something I care about as nothing more than a franchise commodity, actually make it a decent movie and not just a pandering cash-grab".  There's no more

Is Mmmhops an actual real thing?

eh, between primetime stuff, my wife's shows, sports, and actually spending quality time with her and our son I barely have time to watch everything I do record. 

I'm glad that MasterChef seems to be done with baking challenges, at least for this week.  Watching contestants stare into an oven and hope their cupcakes turn out OK is not real exciting.

Reason #53 I secretly miss being unemployed:  Being able to watch Jeopardy on a daily basis.

Are you talking about Quest?

Mike & Ikes mixed into your buttery popcorn!  It tastes like Fruit Loops!

@avclub-f08b7ac8aa30a2a9ab34394e200e1a71:disqus Kathy Griffin was NOT on NewsRadio!!!  Don't disgrace the show with that association.

I love how women look in glasses.  I hate the occasional times I accidentally hit my face on my wife's glasses when going in for a kiss.

Is that common term in that community?  Otherwise that seems like an awful title.  My money was on some sort of midwives reality show.

She won in the most Sue-appropriate way possible.  I choose to believe that the Critic's Choice awards rigged it to happen that way.

Anthology, imo, implies a new story every episode, so that doesn't fit my limited understanding of what AHS is either.  Mini-series does seem closer.

That was incredible.  For the rest of my life I will no be on the lookout for issues of Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane.

Wait, what?!!

As demonstrated by complete lack of awareness of the show following that first season.

Does Flash hold up?  I haven't seen it since I was a kid, and spent most of my life convinced it was a crazy childhood fever dream because no one else remembered it.