
Every other cable channel has done it, what was going to make SyFy so special?

Bring back the syndicated Sinbad show of my youth!  I miss seeing the same CGI rock monster footage every week (I wonder how much that sequence cost that they shoe-horned it into every episode)

Personally, I'm looking forward to revisiting the days of HS senior year, sitting through this show at my girlfriends house on Sunday night, hoping for that 25% chance that her parents would go to bed early leading to make-outs and over the clothes stuff.  Ah, those were the days indeed.

Hello cellphone wallpaper.

Does anybody actually like flan?

Des Moines must be a paradise or reasonably priced cupcakes I guess?  I mean, I suppose it wouldn't be cost-effective if I was eating cake every day, but as a once-in-awhile treat, it's no more overpriced than something like a Blizzard or Cookies Etc. cookie.

This also reminds of the week my HS English class had the world's most incompetent long-term sub.  There was so little control over the students that a classmate actually showed up with a 8-pc bucket of KFC and ate the whole thing over the class period.

@avclub-ab60729bcbd8293eb5f31e5077c29049:disqus Maybe they're not "gourmet" treats, but what's wrong with being able to enjoy good cake without having to buy a whole fucking cake?  The portion is what's appealing.

That's almost as crazy as the fact that Hardee's used to sell fried chicken.

Really, they were a big hit at ours, to the point where I didn't even get to try one because they were all gone by time I got back there.  (We had two small tiers of "real cake" for cutting/display and I did get to eat a piece of that)


post pictures please

What about several normal sized cookies of various types stacked to look like a wedding cake?

Screw that!  If they had dumped cake in favor of like pie or assorted cheesecake or a cookie buffet, I'd say it was an unorthodox choice, but I could deal with it.  No dessert…better be some top shelf free booze to make up for that travesty.

I guarantee the cupcakes people got at our wedding were 10x better tasting than an actual full wedding cake would have been.

Why isn't NewsRadio on Netflix, dammit?!

@avclub-ac5c482277858d6fe45065d0a3f92b0c:disqus Totally forgot about Dicke V, that might bump Rodman out of my top 5.  If I went to a Top 10, I'd probably also add Tim Gunn, Tiger Woods, Sam Elliot, and maybe "Jesse Thorne" if that counts?  Agree on Leykis, by far my least favorite.

Sklarbro "Guest" Power Rankings:

Damn them trying to finance my free entertainment!

I'm inclined to agree.  They have such a great, loose energy when DVK joins the proceedings.