
There must be some sort of conspiracy at the AV Club, because Jesse Ventura is always funny.  Somebody check the documents!

Except the joke would have played EXACTLY the same with a female cop.  I'm all for calling out homophobia (and yes, being the mid-90's I know Friends has it's fair share) but this is not it.

Yea, there were a few things like that that always seemed off to me.  Susan and Carol don't seem stupid or intentionally cruel enough to not understand how that would affect Ross.  It just doesn't play.

Drunk, abusive dad was the biggest thing.  Sounded like most of his chef mentors coming up the ranks to take his place on Hell's Kitchen and not miss cuss-filled beat.  His father-in-law was his business partner starting out and stole from him, and then basically disowned the whole family when Gordon called him out.

And really, I don't think they ever act like Ross's feelings are rational or that he thinks they are.  Minus the history, this is probably someone he should be able to get along with, and he knows that, but how do you not feel that way about the person who played a big hand in ending your marriage?

Because I can actually watch this show on my TV?

Yea, I didn't think Luca was trying to get him kicked off, it was more "this shouldn't be a problem if you're as good as you think you are."

@avclub-73aaacf9803fed2a04f802f3f85225e5:disqus Such blatant fishing or a bad reaction.  He even pronounced it Teri-YUCKY Chicken.

There is no way that's not happening. 

I'd like to see the Spurs win the series and maybe send some of those guys off into the sunset, but I can't bring myself to hate LeBron anymore.  He's probably only my fourth most disliked guy on the team.

That makes sense too, but it could just as easily go the other way.  If he had an off-day during the cupcake challenge, they would have been very hard on the dick who screwed up the team challenge and then saved himself the previous episode.

My guess is that the majority of kids that are overly picky eaters have parents that also have shitty diets. Otherwise, why aren't they just eating what mom and dad eat for supper? Our son is only one and basically does that now unless it's something that's too hard for him to chew, really spicy, or something like

You bring up something that always surprised me, they never really mention what effect losing the Defiant and it's crew at this time would have on the Dominion war.  I suppose having them out on some sort of critical mission would have undercut the emotion of Odo erasing 8,000 people for love, but surely with their

replicated formula at that

I liked green beans well enough as a kid, but if they were as undercooked as they made them out to be, I would have shit all over that.

I love how they were all worried James was too soft-spoken in his audition and would get eaten alive in the competition and then he shows up for the actual competition episodes of the show as "awesome sarcastic background guy".

Swedish Chef and Luca together.  Could MasterChef handle that much adorable?

I enjoy his shows, but he really does seem like a piece of work.  Men's Journal did an interesting article on him awhile back, and I'm not saying it excuses his being an asshole, but his background sure explains a lot.

Even still, none of these kids has ever seen Chinese food?  I mean, these guys are all chefs and I think at leas Gordon and Graham have kids.  What are they feeding their kids at home?  I'm sure it's good meals and a variety of different foods.

Malcolm must have been an awesome guy, because everyone seemed REALLY broken up about him going home.