
Didn't Burton direct a bunch of DS9 as well?  I don't remember which he specifically did, but it feels like his name popped up often enough in the credits that they couldn't all have been terrible.

I like the notion that the TNG Ferengi were just idiots copying something they thought was cool when they were kids.  It would be like if a bunch of guys started trying to rob banks with lightsabers today.

Your scattered grades theory fits my thoughts on TNG perfectly.  That series has some great, Trek-defining highs, but I don't think I could ever go back and watch the series front to back.

I think your thoughts on the relative goodness of TNG and Voyager are interesting.  I myself have recently found myself thinking that TNG has not aged particularly well, but it gets points over Voyager for two things:

Would they even be working as humanoids?  I get that it might be hard to hang an interesting episode on it, but there are some interesting nerd questions about how a lot of the Dominion even came to be.

I think you can make a case for Weyoun & Damar.


I just got DVR a month ago, and this show is already 10x more bearable than it was last summer.

I mentioned it last week, but no, she is not.

I love the fact that Quark had a collection of TNG Ferengi action figures when he was a kid.

I'm pretty sure I've made that exact breakfast on a lazy Sunday for my wife and I, minus the cutesy plating.  Maybe I should audition next year.

Not surprised to see Sasha go for 2 reasons:

Lobsterman seems like he'll fill the role of guy who makes things really interesting for a couple weeks, and then suddenly hits a brick wall and sticks around for a few weeks of shitty cooking while everybody wonders what the hell happened to him.

You have no idea how pissed I am that she is apparently an actually talented cook.  Hopefully some other contestants besides here and Krissy start showing some personality so the producers don't focus on those two all season.

I thought they handled it much better last year.  There were definitely personal conflicts last season, but it seemed like they developed more organically over the course of the season.  When someone decided they had a big problem with Monty or Josh, it was surely petty as hell, but at least you felt they had an

I've heard rumors that it was supposed to be the season 1 final, although that's hardly any better

I wonder how a new show in the reboot universe would work.  An ongoing series with the movie cast doesn't seem feasible.  Doing a re-booted Next Generation series would be and odd choice right now.  You'd almost certainly end up with a non-enterprise crew and ship set in the reboot universe, which could be

Now I have the sads.

I haven't read a new comic in decades, so I'm neutral on this specific writer, but I think your argument is flawed.  There is a difference between writing a new story set in the world of Greek mythology and re-writing The Odyssey with a few new bells and whistles.

I'm an unapologetic "What's Up With That?" fan.  I know it's terrible and repetitive, but it just hits some sort of humor sweet spot in my brain.  I can't help myself from enjoying it.