
At least one of them needs to stick around to groom one of the young guys for the game show host roles.

@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus Did I miss the newswire where Disney stopped printing money with these movies?  I don't think anyone involved is going broke because RDJ negotiated a smart contract.  If the boom mic guy lost his dental coverage over Downey's payday, that's on Disney, not him.

Two A-holes was great, I'm curious why they stopped that as well.

They've effectively hung multiple movie franchises on Downey's popularity.  What are they supposed to do?

Rated 4 Stars at that!

Hopefully one of the studios can get it together and make a movie that features all of the X-Hibitionists.

And on the show he's just the really fast mail room guy at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

It's Star Trek, so you know those font names would have been closer to Times New Romulan, or something ridiculous like that.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus That would have been an awesome Voyager finale.  "Captain, apparently the navigation system has been broken for the past seven years.  We've actually been flying around in circles just outside the edge of the Alpha Quadrant."

someone must have fanwanked that the Jem'Hadar originated from one of the Founders that were sent out returning with one of those soldiers.

Agreed.  Maybe it's just nostalgia for all-time favorite shows coloring my thinking, but that late-90's/early-2000's model that Buffy/DS9 used is the best possible season format, imo.  There were quality arcs and regular viewers were rewarded (and marathon viewers are rewarded now) for investing in those arcs, but

people just get lazy with whatever the popular format of the day is.  In 10 years we'll get one awesome anthology series and 100 awful copycats.

Can't wait to enlist in the drug-addicted army of tomorrow.

minor reality show?  Excuse me, this is the biggest cooking competition in the WORLD mister!

Hey, some of us come back around and end up marrying that girl.

I forgot to get this off my chest earlier:  Am I the only one who thought the first contestant, the one convinced she was God's gift to our eyes AND tastebuds, was not actually that attractive?

How about a close-up about whatever the "most FANTASTIC" ingredient is that week.

Has the McDowell-Siddig connection come up before?  How did I miss that?

Joe is just an odd dude all around.  His mannerisms baffle me as well.

I hope AVC doesn't take the lack of comments this week as lack of interest in coverage.  It's just that, like you said, the auditions are the worst, least interesting part of the show.