
Hello opinion doppleganger.

If Keenan getting Update hypothetically kept him out of any other sketches, would that make it OK?

I'm sure he'll be fine, but this was easily the most boring choice they could have made.

I think they just freeze him when he's not needed during the week.

Yea, I think those sketches get a lot more mileage if you're not forced to obsessively watch the show every week to critique it.  That being said, the non-rehashes we're clearly the highlights (acupuncture and ghost mom).

I was unsure if the show would be as fun without Cee-lo's insanity, Christina's "feud" with Adam, or the anticipation of one of Christina's boobs finally falling out, but Usher and Shakira are much better.

@avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus two years ago we gave up cable so we could save up money to buy a house and reproduce.  Having accomplished both of those goals and getting more financially stable, my wife was awesome and surprised me with signing us up for DirecTV.  This was three weeks ago.  I still

Say what you want about the CW, but they seem to churn out some of the most entertaining television your ashamed to admit you watch.  I almost wish some of their shows that actually find a decent audience could graduate to a real network and free up the CW to throw even more ridiculous sounding shit at the wall to see

It got old when they were doing it every episode for awhile there.  I think it would get funny again if it went away for a month or so and then, unexpectedly, we hear "Every time I turn around…" suddenly at the end of an episode.

Oh really?  I guess I don't care that much, but it's still kind of a bummer.

Well Steve King is a moron whose only real skill is scaring the shit out of the part of the state we should just cede to Nebraska, so take it with a grain of salt.

Is Doto Nights a "Baywatch Nights"-esque spin-off of the original Doto?

@Scrawler2:disqus And if you think Turner is going to offer some sort of 1-month subscription for those channels, you're kidding yourself.  Cable is already de-niche-ifying (un-nicheing?) itself.  Now they'll just get clever about placing key programs and events across all channels and not just loading them up in one

Can we get Jena Elfman on a decent show now?

Seeing as your signing up for all the sports channels, that's where the cable channels will still get you.  Want to watch NBA Tuesday games and March Madness?  Say hello to your new subscriptions to TNT, TBS, and TruTV.  Would you like your 2014 Olympics coverage to include anything other than figure skating and Bob

GREEK!!!!  My life needs more Cappie!

Yea, but they weren't flashing a "buy it now on NBC.com" logo under Jenna's face during the episode.

@avclub-3c9b5f1cd6a030bcb7bed9eac80589fb:disqus  I'll say this, Mindy Project pairs much better with New Girl than Ben & Kate did.  I'm behind the times with regards to DVR, so maybe that's a moot point.

Is that true about the new nurse?  Ugh, I assumed she was just there for the Morgan mini-arc and was supposed to be terrible.  Were we supposed to think she was funny?

I loved Ben & Kate too, but can we stop shitting on this show just because B&K couldn't find an audience?