
I enjoy mock-singing along to that theme too much for them to ditch it now.

I agree.  See my reply below to @disqus_VfRbusjRNA:disqus 's comment.

The show really does work best if you look at it as a series of amusing vignettes.  If The Mindy Project was a series of runners on some sort of rom-com anthology series, people would be saying it's by far the best part of the show. 

Can we talk about the travesty that was Fox throwing #froggetaboutit over Schmidtt's sweatshirt during that scene?  Throwing a little #NewGirl in the corner is annoying, but ignorable.  If actually having those damn hashtags pop-up in the middle of the screen becomes a trend, it's going to be unbearable.

I would play the shit out this game.  Make it happen internet!

I'm hoping that the show is just weird enough to use them for some sort of bizarre Call the Midwife homage, but other they don't do much for me either way.

Also, which show seems more likely to air infinite syndicated repeats on some cable channel at 3:00?  Guys With Kids definitely has more Yes, Dear potential.

A wild Patrick Henry appeared!

Sally really is the shit.  When are we getting our Sally Draper in the 70's spinoff?

Can't wait for Bob's Burgers tonight.  It is truly the best "try and relax for a little before facing yet another week" show on TV.

I'm sure that's what will be presented next week.  And since the finale is supposed to be a bit of a flash-forward anyway, it would probably line up with them coming back.

Perhaps the most damning criticism you can make of the Hangover franchise.

The man dealt with Michael Scott for 5 years, I assumed he's developed infinite patience, especially for somebody who will soon be out of his life forever.

I know Dwight has been shown to have a bit of a callous attitude to animals throughout the series, but I always thought it was pretty clear that Dwight mercy killed that cat, not murdered it.  The way I recall Angela describing that cat's state earlier in the episode, I always took it that Angela was stubbornly (and

That's how it felt to me.  I've watched barely any of this season (just not home on Thursday nights I guess) so maybe I benefitted from not being fed up with the way this season went, but I thought the beginning of this parade of fan-service happy endings went down easy.

The Farva Effect?

I think this movie was my studying background noise like every other weekend in college.  Disney played it all the time.

@AmaltheaElanor:disqus Those Netflix summaries are the best.  I've actually laughed out loud at some of the plot points they choose to highlight.

I'm always tickled when I see him show up in other things.  DS9 is worth being a fan just for teaching you to keep an eye out for that guy.

I don't know how to feel about the image of a planet covered in a great sea of Rene Auberjonois's this planted in my mind.