
If the mob doctor airs on Fox, but no one is around to watch, does it count as work?

If DS9 had come along 10-15 years later, I could definitely see it being structured that way, but in a lot of ways I'm glad that it isn't.  It is a lot more fun as a re-watcher to be able to go back and re-visit the ____ episode.  Look at a show like Breaking Bad, which is great, but if you were going to re-watch 10

At the very least Jordana Spiro and Kyle Howard need to be getting more work.

Now you're biased against Michael Bay AND Kelsey Grammer?  Bunch of snobs.


Finally, someone will talk about My Boys!

I wish I could think of a better word than "lazy", because he obviously works his ass off.  The earlier commenters comparison to Ryan Seacrest is pretty apt, imo.  But what I've seen of what he does, he's basically just doing the same thing across different shows/mediums.  If he does something really ambitious that is

I don't hate Hardwick, I just think he could do better than what he's settled into.  That being said, what he's settled into is pretty popular and making him money, so I would probably be even lazier in his position.

To be fair, it's not really Chris Hardwick's fault that no one can think of a tv format that can be produced cheaply, 5 nights a week other than talk shows.

Wasn't it already a rip-off of every Doink the Clown appearance in WWE for the past 15 years?

Because he's not as focused on maintaining the carefully formed marketing image he prints money with in those contexts?

you're really pulling at the thread holding internet commenting together here.

Considering Barney's the level of inconsiderate asshole Barney has been to Robin since they got engaged, I didn't feel too bad for him.

Meh, Rabin was too biased against Michael Bay movies anyway.

You'll also be excited to know the reason I likely can't make the trip is due to my long-anticipated move to Des Moines!

Yea, I'd be really excited if I could make the trip up to Minneapolis work to see them on the 12th, so I like the idea of them taking the show on the road, but those live shows they did from San Francisco were not as fun to listen to in podcast form as there stuff in the hatch.

I liked where Ferenginar ended up, but hated Rom's ending.  To me, I think it ultimately would have been more true to his growth as a character if he'd just kept on being an engineer.


They all go to Michael's wedding.  It turns out Michael and Holly eloped.  The whole episode is them hanging around the reception that Michael never shows up to.  Eventually they all go back to the office for some reason?

I don't know why, but the hundreds of comments that show up on anything Simmons posts on Facebook/Twitter saying "go back to columns" just annoy the crap out of me.  Maybe it's because I was pretty late to the game with his column, but shit people, god forbid anybody be successful and parlay that into new