
Yea, but that's like saying "Man I really feel bad for that ex-concentration camp commandant that has trouble getting along with his new Jewish co-workers"

Hey if Kyle Dunnigan can get as much mileage as he has with an impression of the dad on Punky Brewster, you should be able to find some use for it.

I swear I saw a Superfudge movie as a kid, but I'll bet it was made-for-tv.


Gul Dukat may believe he's the good guy, but he is not sympathetic in the least.

I am a founding member of the First Church of That Guy Who Said He Was Apollo.

That's right, I didn't pay $10 to hear "I guess we should draw a line here."

Thank you for reminding me I need to pick back up watching BSG on Netflix.  My progress was derailed by becoming employed again.

I always thought the green girls were some other species the Orions had enslaved, not the actual Orions.

Disagree!  Odo cares about law and order regardless of the morality of who is in charge.  Worf's "goodness" would never allow him to work for the Cardassians like Odo, just because it would be upholding the law in that situation.

I actually like it.  It's part of the charm of Sisko for me.  The over theatricality always makes him seem to be flirting with the line of being too crazy to be a Starfleet captain, and really isn't that part of why we love him?

I thought the Orion Syndicate was one of those things that hadn't been floating around the fringes of Star Trek since the original series.  Is that not the case?

This touches on something I was thinking as well.  People tend to praise the early season's treatment of post-occupation Bajor for being an interesting exploration of what happens after the starship leaves the planet after "solving" all their problems.  I think Sisko and the prophets at it's best and most ambitious

I remember seeing Phenomenon when I was in middle school I think, and thinking it was a pretty good movie.  I'm sure it doesn't hold up, but I still think it's an interesting idea.

I wouldn't say the Emissary/Prophets stuff is my favorite aspect of DS9, but I don't think it needs to be redeemed or justified.  I think it's pretty essential to it's DS9-ness, and while it could have possibly been handled better over the course of the series, I think DS9 would have ultimately been a blander,


I haven't delved into Adventure Time, but Phineas and Ferb was a guilty pleasure before our son was even born.

@avclub-96d5a6aac738589c6314561f56a8a6c5:disqus In my little-under-a-year of experience the short answer is this: Kid's have f'd up sleep schedules so your best off trying to keep something consistent that works well enough and hope for the best.

I fear that putting him to bed later would forfeit any remaining hope I have of sexy times at night.  Sexy times > 100% well-rested.

If needing to distract him for 30 minutes in the morning to get my brain up to speed and interact with him, and really the world, in a cheerful manner makes me a bad parent, so be it.