
I saw Children of Men in the theater, pretty excited for it, and remember being really underwhelmed.  Haven't watched it since.  I suspect, however, there's a strong chance that I just went with the wrong group of people for that kind of movie.

I'm one of those people, and I stand by it because it was dumb that this show existed in the first place. 

Still bust that out on occasion and it confuses the crap out of my wife every time.

Barney's always been an ass, but at least in the past it seemed like he was an intelligent ass.  The degree to which he is pushing his luck with Robin requires insane levels of stupidity and obliviousness.  When they put Barney and Robin together the first time, I could kind of see it, but this version of the

Didn't Spider-man come after BTAS was already on the air?  The laser guns on Spider-man and X-men are even more weird when you realize they all started on Fox and aired at roughly the same time.

I misread that the first time and thought Rachel Leigh Cook had been on a live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series at some point.

I love the show, so I get that.  I guess I was won over by the how absurdly over-the-top the crookedness on Pam's Court became.

Peggy was the only character I really couldn't stand as a stand-alone.  Her only redeeming quality for me personally was that her paired with Hank was like a really extreme take on my parents' marriage dynamic, so I enjoyed that sometimes.

don't know what you're talking about…

Last week I had a meeting with an architect whose appearance and voice I later described to my wife as "chunky Adam Scott".

I'm really surprised how many people had a problem with them getting screwed over.  Like @avclub-ac0cc045737916963285e58df2b820fd:disqus said below, they subverted the usual sitcom plot, and it seems like folks around here would usually be all over that.  Did everyone just have a lousy weekend and really need to see

The only two "adult" animated shows my wife can stand are Archer and Bob's Burgers.  To nip any sort of weird voice crush in the bud I showed her a picture of Jon Benjamin. Her opinion was that he looked like a pedophile.  Discuss.

Gets funnier every time you watch it.

They'd have to pray for a third Canseco brother to come out of the woodwork to make up the difference.

We went to Contagion when my wife was pregnant and this absolute white trash couple came in with their two kids.  Outside of getting the hilarious story of my wife almost instigating a fight with the mother by shushing her one time too many, they completely ruined the movie.  Not that I think I would have anyway, I

Just make sure your careful with that ice cream cone.

Karen Lambert, not as attractive as I remember.  This is disappointing.


Oh, I am aware of Name That Punky and it's brilliance.

Country at it's best can still be brilliant, it's just so heavily dependent on how well their guests play along and how good the impression is that week.  Honestly though, they're both awesome and I really think if somebody gave them an hour daily radio slot, they could fill and kill, no problem.