

I was feeling the same way, but I thought the preview for Iron Man 3 I caught the other day looked pretty good, not that I get to many movies in the theater post-baby anyway.

I kind of agree on liking the "county" episodes better than the main Sklarbro Country podcast.  Some of the stories Dan Van Kirk digs up are just insane.

Ah, Aaron gets a bad rap.  I don't think I'd go out of my way to see his stand-up, but he's not so bad on the show when properly wrangled.

Amendment to previous post: Are they still splitting the roster?  Can we now say that was stupid idea?

yeesh…every year I think about ordering it, just for nostalgia's sake, now I know why I don't.  I guess old compilations on Netflix will continue to scratch that itch.

I posted this on another site, but I think WWE is still recovering from that 5 or so year stretch where they were constantly losing main event guys to injury/death/murder spree/no wanting to take drug tests.  You have the old-timers and the up-and-comers and basically nobody in-between to be a credibility bridge to

No Mercy was definitely the best of that bunch of THQ games, but I'll always have a soft spot for WCW/NWO Revenge.  30-man battle royales where you handed off the controller after getting eliminated were a close second in popularity to GoldenEye at middle school sleepovers.

I think a lot of the people who come out strong against gay marriage aren't really threatened by gay marriage specifically.  I think they're more threatened by the cracks in their religious support structure.  They NEED gay marriage to be evil, whether they really believe it is or not, because if it's not, fuck, what

Hey, we only voted out the majority of the judges who did their job and pointed out gay marriage wasn't actually against the law, not all of them!  Back off!

Go punch a waterfall.

It makes me sad that a Sklars Late Night probably isn't a realistic option.  I could, however, see them killing as guest hosts if they have a good connection to whoever does get the job.

I actually think a shuffling rotation would be great, but I wonder if it would be a bitch for NBC to promote that way.  The only way I could see it would be if you could get 1 or 2 big names to commit to holding down a decent chunk of the rotation.  Maybe your Tina Fey's and Amy Poehler's would be more likely to sign

There isn't one?  Seems like there would be..

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus Right, I think Zack's criticism was aimed more at the BSG/Walking Dead model where those kind of detours to explore a character or theme just don't exist.

Mad Men is pretty similar to DS9 or Buffy level serialization.  Yea, there's a master story arc to every season, but not every episode exists just to be a piece of that story.

"Whatever the case, here’s the rare film to make an evil scheme out of global nuclear disarmament. "

These seems suspiciously similar to the lyrics to Bones I wrote when my wife obsessively binge-watched it on Netflix…

fair enough, but I still think the three real kids on The Neighbors are awful.  Curious to know why you think they stackup so well against young Mr. Shaffer and the Modern Family kids.

I can't believe Todd praised the child actors on this cast.  The kid who plays Reggie Jackson is pretty good.  Most of the rest are just adequate, and I personally think the kids playing Dick Butkus and the boy Weaver are AWFUL.