
Yea, he seems a little creepily obsessed and dependent on her, but it's not a father-daughter vibe.

I blame my personal reading dark age on two unfortunate public education decisions:

I blame my personal reading dark age on two unfortunate public education decisions:

That thought is the one thing holding me back from buying collections of old pulp stories when I see them in stores. 

That thought is the one thing holding me back from buying collections of old pulp stories when I see them in stores. 

Is Princess of Mars proving to be good reading, or is it one of those things where the idea of reading it is more fun than actually reading it?

Is Princess of Mars proving to be good reading, or is it one of those things where the idea of reading it is more fun than actually reading it?

I have.  It didn't stick with me nearly as much as Catch-22 and I haven't had the urge to re-visit it that I have ocassionally felt with Catch-22.  That being said I do remember it being an interesting read and worth the time.  (Disclaimer: I read Catch-22 for the first time and Closing Time in high school, so I'm not

I have.  It didn't stick with me nearly as much as Catch-22 and I haven't had the urge to re-visit it that I have ocassionally felt with Catch-22.  That being said I do remember it being an interesting read and worth the time.  (Disclaimer: I read Catch-22 for the first time and Closing Time in high school, so I'm not

Garden of Beasts wasn't bad, but I agree, DITWC is superior.

Garden of Beasts wasn't bad, but I agree, DITWC is superior.

That sounds like an interesting read…although maybe not for 800 pages?  Throwing it on the ol' wishlist so I don't forget about it at least.

That sounds like an interesting read…although maybe not for 800 pages?  Throwing it on the ol' wishlist so I don't forget about it at least.

If I had realized how much Supergods was going to double as Morrison's personal memoirs, I probably would have skipped it.  I really liked parts of it, but could have lived without his recollections of his various acid trips.

If I had realized how much Supergods was going to double as Morrison's personal memoirs, I probably would have skipped it.  I really liked parts of it, but could have lived without his recollections of his various acid trips.

I had the same idea, got started and quickly realized I would need a way longer period of undivided attention to really understand the book.  Setting it aside for now, but hopefully come back to it someday.

I had the same idea, got started and quickly realized I would need a way longer period of undivided attention to really understand the book.  Setting it aside for now, but hopefully come back to it someday.

As I replied to another comment, I'm aware of it, but saving it because I burned through Larson's other stuff so fast.

As I replied to another comment, I'm aware of it, but saving it because I burned through Larson's other stuff so fast.

Thunderstruck is definitely on my radar.  After burning through DITWC and Garden of the Beasts so fast I decided I should read some other things first so I still had Thunderstruck waiting as a little treat.