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    Yeah - I love the tape recorder sequence — funny and suspenseful and very well-done.

    I've never seen Hollywood Ending, but it does not have the best rep, so I was curious after it was chosen.  MMM is one of my Woody Allen faves.  One of the very first of his movies I ever watched.  Revisited it within the last few years, and it does hold up well.  The mystery plot, good performances, witty dialogue,

    Admit it- Godless is a great opening track.

    Hey Vera!  We got another stiff in the john.

    Where are Francesca Fiore and Bruno Ponce Jones?


    Couple of things: not surprised Ebert rated this 3! that year.  His love affair with Altman is long and well-documented. This is an Altman picture I've never seen, so I'm eager to watch it now.  Also, not super surprising Duvall's career took a hit in the 80's.  Considering Robert Altman couldn't get pictures made

    Hear hear to both The Witch of Blackbird Pond and Judy Blume.  Remember both so well.  Dear Mr. Henshaw was such an influential book to me, I'm surprised it didn't come up.  Also, The Outsiders is one that I still revisit every few years, and I love it as much now as I did in junior high.   What about all the pocket

    So great list.  I too am surprised by the lack of  Casino.  One of the few movies that I *must* sit and watch every time I wander upon it on the tele.  Also, I think Sharon Stone is great in it, so nyah.

    So great list.  I too am surprised by the lack of  Casino.  One of the few movies that I *must* sit and watch every time I wander upon it on the tele.  Also, I think Sharon Stone is great in it, so nyah.

    When I was ten I thought Batdance was the best song ever. I didn't know what an enema was, so I kept saying the line, "This town needs Emma!"  I asked my Mom who Emma was. 

    When I was ten I thought Batdance was the best song ever. I didn't know what an enema was, so I kept saying the line, "This town needs Emma!"  I asked my Mom who Emma was. 

    Really?  I think the synth score is one of its redeeming qualities.  Perfectly of the time period.

    Really?  I think the synth score is one of its redeeming qualities.  Perfectly of the time period.

    Is it just me or is that a nod to the TOS ep with the vampire cloud — Obsession?  (or blah blah blah geek to the non-Start Trek fans)

    Is it just me or is that a nod to the TOS ep with the vampire cloud — Obsession?  (or blah blah blah geek to the non-Start Trek fans)

    Gladys the Groovy Mule!

    Gladys the Groovy Mule!

    I feel like every time I watch MASH its the same rerun.  They all have surrealist nightmares and hotlips is all bloodied up in a wedding dress, and I'm just like boo.  Thanks for reminding me about all the great eps of the series.

    I feel like every time I watch MASH its the same rerun.  They all have surrealist nightmares and hotlips is all bloodied up in a wedding dress, and I'm just like boo.  Thanks for reminding me about all the great eps of the series.