Ghost Robot

My prom was on a boat in the middle of a lake, good luck getting in late to that.

Yeah I've had a problem with the abject anonymity of the kingsguard members, they're all so identical on the show.

Yeah I've had a problem with the abject anonymity of the kingsguard members, they're all so identical on the show.

I also thought it was a fun little movie.

I also thought it was a fun little movie.

@avclub-359f449e012b58f30cbc80ea8b9e794a:disqus Go man go!

@avclub-359f449e012b58f30cbc80ea8b9e794a:disqus Go man go!

They could have spliced in some footage from the interns running it to add suspense, I don't recall if they showed the crooked pile with Kim in the same shot.

You're not alone, Alicia was gross in my opinion

I think Yul's has to be decreased in rank, in his season you could play the immunity idol after the votes were read. It pretty much made you invincible.

Kim also did it on her first attempt, It took Boston Rob 4 tries to finally win.

A certain Mr. Donaldson would like to be addressed.

@Violina23:disqus Probably the same way she handled Alicia, let them think they're the shit.

Well according to Kat 12+12=22, so at least there was that

Her bio/nameplate says she was a career counselor, not sure what kind of sales that involves.

I described Christina as a punching bag numerous times tonight.

Apparently on the show Little People Big World, two little people have four children and only one of the children is a little person.

Hahaha, i was just wondering who would have posted something like that.  Apparently it left a large impression on me.

The guy that travels with them is Cleos Frey, so a man of a different name. However, in the books, Cleos Frey was the messenger between Cersei/Tyrion and the Starks, not this Alton guy, so he may not show.

@avclub-d4263fe354b34c5c2b5f473abe64b608:disqus I do believe that it's something along the lines of the queen banging some dude that looks just like her so I don't think there was much need for speculation as to who it was.