Ghost Robot

I think that he was more embarrassed that he works at Disneyland

I thought that had been the case when they'd used it in past seasons, stack the ribs in order.  Not much of a "puzzle" otherwise. Maybe the Probst just doesn't care anymore. "Just stick the ribs wherever, I don't give a fuck. Can we get another challenge with oil up in here? No? I'll be in my trailer."

@avclub-858b67085072a6f2403cf500871f4068:disqus But to do that you have to assume that she wins the final immunity challenge. Sabrina and Chelsea are more likely to take her to the end because of their strong alliance, but would be dumb to.  It is possible though that Christina or Alicia would just because they're

@avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus Also in Yul's season and a few seasons after the rules were that the idol bearer could use the idol after the votes were read, meaning that it could not be flushed out and gave the bearer immense power.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus I understand her desire to bring "goats" with her to the end, it was however almost a blunder on her fault.  Last week she was in on voting out Kat, and barring that she wanted Sabrina gone, both strong allies of hers. That potentially left her with a 3-3 split this week or she could have joined

It was also a bikini bottom, so clearly a step above underwear on the creep scale, also: spongebob squarepants

Oh I don't think you're alone in thinking Christina is trying to do as much self promotion/thinks she's God's gift to the Earth from her chair.

@avclub-5ebf7203dd113db1b864469b2c23fad5:disqus Someone mentioned it above I believe

@avclub-1f25bd51dbe35ffd0319d1cfb405a223:disqus Last season was the "first" season of Aqua Unit Patrol Squad so if they keep along those lines.

Why I believe they even have a black friend, so you know it's cool.

"Cup Check"

Seems people here are just upset that they didn't get invited to the
Special Person’s Invite Club.

And Hulk . . . smash

According to some dialogue earlier in the season, he basically tricked her out of her job and it's his now.

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus  But Dean Pelton wears costumes every week, i think he's got what it takes to be in the guild, at the very least, the peril partnership.

I think it might have been more about sharing the island experience with the loved one.  If they're only going to be around for 5-10 years, then there aren't a lot of opportunities to share the experience together compared to someone in their late 20s who brought their sister along.

@avclub-eee6e49e09ab1c283e2d7689d45a7b4b:disqus That's what I was saying to the gf, anything can happen when two people share an island cuz.

That was indeed true, I think there was also a price sticker for something just under 20k.

Who knows, but he does wear Kat's discarded shirt next week.

I think we should all be proud of Tarzan for correctly understanding the theory of quantum entanglement.