Ghost Robot

Rodney was doing his best attempt to dress like Joaquin; slicked back hair, fancy suit, Just keeping the one sided bromance going.

We do however get Sawyer incredulously asking who the hell they are later in the season somewhat mimicing the audience's thoughts.

Reminds me of Jenna in that she seems to think being beautiful is a hindrance.

Best DJ will always be DJ Tanner, giving a shout out to her dog Comet.

It struck me as a little odd that Allie would say she's left handed then clearly be shown writing with her right unless I totally missed something.

I was almost certain that had Monica, Tyson, or Gervasse won the challenge, they would have been allowed to invite two others to join them.

I certainly hope that this wasn't the "big moment" of the season that Probst had teased before the season because CBS did quite the job of taking the wind out of those sails with it's spoiler promos. Also Katie getting done in by the white rock gives her exit more gravitas than it really deserves.

I have to disagree with Yul.  His game revolved around him having an idol that he was able to play after votes were read meaning that he would need to technically be voted out twice to be eliminated.  He was extremely lucky that the hidden idol rules were as they were in his season.  Granted he played a great game in

Well that's good, I thought that joke would have worked better in the second episode, glad to see that was their intention.

Venture Bros has, although I'm not sure the VB model is a model that most other shows could follow.

I wasn't paying super-close attention to the immunity challenge, but were the pairings random? If not, why didn't Mr. Big-bad former NFL put himself up there twice?

Just a couple of fellas pallin' around

Yeah he's really got it out for Gervase it seems, it's all he can focus on after challenges.  I really hope it's not a race thing as others have put forth.


Someone rang?

Let's not overlook the matching parameters: exchanged tweets once = bitter enemies

If I'm not wrong it said Route 285 South correct? The only problem was that H.E.L.P.eR was running away from the sign, implying that he would be traveling north,

New Hank cusses

The Monarch did have sex with Guardo, he gave in gonorrhea.

I'm ready for a Fantytale