@WrongSirWrong:disqus I don't think that Spacey-bot could leave the central moon base which meant that he couldn't check on the drills? or whatever pieces were off site.
Didn't Dwight have a DNA test done on the kid? I'm pretty sure he did and learned it wasn't his.
@avclub-855069bb71cd6f6a49cbbd27f89605e3:disqus Family Guy has actually used Xbox 360 graphics in an episode so they've given a depiction of video games using modern technology.
@hungaryBear:disqus Podrick Payne is a relation of Ilyn Payne, the tongueless executioner. I'm not entirely sure of his relation to the Lannisters.
You can't blame him for trying to make moves; knowing that he would be seen as a challenge threat, he tried to get ahead of it rather than having to scramble at the last minute.
Yup, I thought she should at first seam resistant to a split vote so not to raise Sheppard's suspicion but then go along with it and use it as an opportunity to vote him out. That plus immediately blabbing her plan to Dawn shows just had bad at strategy she was.
But Gwen is hot!
All I could think of was that if the t-rex really wanted to get off, it would rub its crotch on something like a dog.
Well since they're doing a tribe swap next week, I'm sure they'll work new food into it then. They typically reload the tribes food supplies during merges so I assume that a swap could be treated the same way.
Eddie commented that Reynold found the idol less than six hours after the last tribal council. While Eddie may have just been under-exaggerating since I assume they slept, I can't believe it took too long.
"Let's do this thing Brian!"
Don't worry, I thought it was "Chewie" also
Don't get too excited, word on the street is fans aren't too happy with the new SimCity.
I've scratched my cornea a few times as a contact wearer. It definitely is not something that requires a medivac. It just hurts and makes you sensitive to light. Keep your eye shut and stop bitching Shamar.
@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus Those looking for a tie-in to the Hobbit dvd release. Preorder yours today!
I very much disliked the on the spot judging, picking Brooke as the winner of the second dish seemed so fake. It oozed of rigging just to stretch the competition.
You can really use percentage odds in a skill based competition. Assuming everyone has the same chance from the beginning assumes everyone's cooking skills are identical which they certainly are not.
Agreed, it reeked of producer interference. Especially with such insightful commentary as "Brooke had the better dish" from Padma. It seemed that Tom thought it was beneath him to bullshit so he rightfully declared Kristen's the better dish for that round.
I think Marcel was more likely the "villain" from that season. I enjoyed Ilan, curious to when he made his change from Top Chef winner to Atticus Finch.