Ghost Robot

And he also knows what a quantum entanglement is, he's smarter than he appears.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus I dunno, he looked pretty pissed tonight, maybe his disposition will change by next week.

Great points, Riverrun may be lost to us.

@avclub-e6ec91cba600ca785d5e02beb0d0c8eb:disqus Well to be honest a grimace is a sort of grumpy smile

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus He's from the UK Office if it matters.

Doesn't Cat briefly reunite with Robb and then get sent to Riverrun?

Hodor will reveal himself to be deeply spiritual and will take over Bran's training.

Thus circling back to the first season's "Diversity Day" "How about some spaghetti?"

@avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus Thanks!

I too am a fan of Boston Rob, I love his bluntness

Troyzan has no oceanfront property to sell in Kansas because Probst owns all the oceanfront property there already.

Yeah that was like week 1-5 discussion

A quick google search states that David from the first redemption island had the highest iq.

I don't think she was going to go that first time, Sabrina wanted her out but no one else seemed really open to the idea, I think Christina's head was more likely on the chopping block.

I think Kim might be stringing Tarzan along as her goat since she showed little interest in using him as the other person getting votes tonight.  I believe, however, that she is aware that he might receive a few of the men's votes.

For all the adoration of Boston Rob on Redemption Island, let's not forget it was his fourth time on the show.  One should hope you'd be pretty good at the game if you'd had that much practice.

Yeah, I wonder why no one thought to just hit it with the axe rather than try to snare it point blank without throwing the rope.

Colby from Australia and Parvati from Heroes v. Villains were certainly the best players in their seasons and made it to the final tribal council, you could argue that they lost to bitter juries. Arguably Tina did have a great social game.

I think the consensus was that she could have just thrown it at the end and lost to Alicia, but that would have meant naming someone other than Troy for the last question, I forget what the question was.

I have a feeling Sabrina's not as safe as we are all thinking.  I feel that she'll be the first of the four to go, probably at 6.  If' it's just the girls left, Kim, Chelsea, and Kat will stick together and probably pull Alicia and Christina to vote Sabrina off.  That way it'll still be 3-2 after.  Sabrina has been a